
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How to Improve Services

Jonathan Swift’s poem, The Lady’s Dressing Room, is a comic satire that seeks to show readers the inescapable humanity – and its flaws and gory ugliness – that women have to live with no matter how hard they try to make themselves appear immaculately beautiful on the outside. It could be read as a criticism of the extreme efforts women do to make themselves beautiful, and as a criticism of the beholder, the man, who is enamored by the physical beauty only to realize the imperfections being hidden underneath that flawless exterior in the lady’s dressing room. The dressing room is where the transformation takes place – this is where the lady goes in simple and when she comes out she is a radiant beauty and men cannot help themselves. That is what the poem implies that is why the poem begins with a man, Strephon, who is enamored by Celia who takes at least five hours to prepare herself, sneaking in the dressing room to find out why, and discovers the horrors that goes on not only inside the room but also with his beloved Celia’s body beneath those laces and brocades. He discovers: first a dirty Smock appear'd, Beneath the Arm-pits well besmear'd. Strephon, the Rogue, display'd it wide, And turn'd it round on every Side. On such a Point few Words are best, And Strephon bids us guess the rest; But swears how damnably the Men lie, In calling Celia sweet and cleanly. That in fact, Celia is not as perfect as she seems – her clothes have perspiration and bad smell on them. hat follows next is a series of finding other items Celia uses to prepare herself – combs with dirt, dandruff and sweat, a piece of cloth with oil used to cover wrinkles, gloves made from Celia’s dog’s skin when it died, and various little jars filled with pomade, paint, ointments, all these used to cover her imperfections. Strephon even finds the discarded stockings that reveal stinking toes. No wonder that at the end of the poem, Strephon could no longer look straight at any woman, for his imagination always conjures the images he saw in the dressing roo m and saw their stinks, their flaws that they try so hard to hide. The narrator of the poem says that this is vengeance for his peeping, for if Strephon did no such thing then he could still be blessed when he sees beautiful women without knowing â€Å"such gaudy Tulips rais’d from Dung†. Hence this is the curse of the lady’s dressing room, that it took the magic and wonder for the beholder and made him see the woman as the imperfect creature masquerading to be a work of art. However, the dressing room is also a curse for Celia and all women, as it is the chamber where they feed their obsession to make themselves beautiful for men. In the poem the narrator mentioned â€Å"Celia’s magnifying Glass†, which is simply a mirror, but in this mirror everything was enlarged, that it can †¦to Sight disclose, The smallest Worm in Celia's Nose, And faithfully direct her Nail To squeeze it out from Head to Tail; For catch it nicely by the Head, It must come out alive or dead. — that it makes her so insecure to make her spend time to look for even the minutest flaws that no one would see anyway. The woman spends a minimum of five hours (perhaps an exaggerated figure, but the point is that women spend a large amount of time preening) and fails to see that real beauty comes from within, not on what is reflected by a piece of glass. The poem shows the readers an image of the preparation taken to make one look good outside but in so doing shows that perhaps it is nature’s way that makes it so difficult – that we should learn to appreciate each other and ourselves, flaws included, for we all have them. This is not to say to forgo hygiene, but merely to examine what activities we spend time on. The curse of the dressing room is that it makes us believe in the illusion that media sells us: the dream of that perfect skin, that Barbie body, that photoshopped face, that if we make up ourselves as long as we need to we can transcend our human bodies’ flaws. But we cannot, because all these are parts of what makes us who we are.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Sculpture

Assyrian Black Obelisk of Salamander Ill a large and solid late one. The conquest of the whole of Mesopotamia and much surrounding territory by the Assyrian created a larger and wealthier state than the region had known before, and very grandiose art in palaces and public places, no doubt partly intended to match the splendor of the art of the neighboring Egyptian empire. The Assyrian developed a style of extremely large schemes of very finely detailed narrative low relief in stone for palaces, with scenes of war or hunting; the British Museum has an outstanding collection.They produced very little sculpture in the round, except for colossal guardian figures, often the human-headed lamas, which are sculpted in high relief on two sides of a rectangular block, with the heads effectively in the round (and also five legs, so that both views seem complete). Even before dominating the region they had continued the cylinder seal tradition with designs which are often exceptionally energetic and refined. The Guenons Lioness, 3rd Millennium BCC, 3. 5 inches high One of 18 Statues of Guide, a ruler around 2090 BCC The Burner Relief, Old Babylonian, around 1800 BCCAssyrian relief from Nimrod, from c 728 BCC Ancient Egypt The monumental sculpture of Ancient Egypt is world-famous, but refined and delicate small works exist in much greater numbers. The Egyptians used the distinctive technique of sunk relief, which is well suited to very bright sunlight. The main figures in relief adhere to the same figure convention as in painting, with parted legs (where not seated) and head shown from the side, but the torso from the front, and a standard set of proportions making up the figure, using 18 â€Å"fists† to go from the ground to the hair-line on the forehead.This appears as early as the Meaner Palette from Dynasty l, but there as elsewhere the convention is not used for minor figures shown engaged in some activity, such as the captives and corpses. Other conventions mak e statues of males darker than females ones. Very conventionalism portrait statues appear from as early as Dynasty II, before 2,780 BCC, and with the exception of the art of the Marin period of Keenan, and some other periods such as Dynasty XII, the idealized features of rulers, like other Egyptian artistic conventions, changed little until after the Greek conquest.Egyptian pharaohs were always regarded as gods, but other deities are much less common in large statues, except when they represent the pharaoh as another deity; however the other deities are frequently shown in paintings and relief. The famous row of four colossal statues outside the main temple at ABA Simmer each show Renames II, a typical scheme, though here exceptionally large. Small figures of deities, or their animal personifications, are very common, and found in popular materials such as pottery.Most larger sculpture survives from Egyptian temples or tombs; by Dynasty IV (2680-2565 BCC) at the latest the idea of t he Aka statue was army established. These were put in tombs as a resting place for the aka portion of the soul, and so we have a good number of less conventionalism statues of well-off administrators and their wives, many in wood as Egypt is one of the few places in the world where the climate allows wood to survive over millennia. The so-called reserve heads, plain hairless heads, are especially naturalistic.Early tombs also contained small models of the slaves, animals, buildings and objects such as boats necessary for the deceased to continue his lifestyle in the afterworld, and later Shabby figures. Facsimile of the Meaner Palette, c. 3100 BC, which already shows the canonical Egyptian profile view and proportions of the figure. Manure (Mysterious) and queen, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, 2490 – 2472 BC. The formality of the pose is reduced by the queen's arm round her husband.Wooden tomb models, Dynasty X'; a high administrator counts his cattle. The Gold Mask of Tutankhamen, c. Leatherette dynasty, Egyptian Museum The Younger Anemone c. 1250 BC, British Museum Souris on a lapis lazuli pillar in the middle, flanked by Hours on the left, Andalusia on the right, 22nd dynasty, Louvre The aka statue provided a physical place for the aka to manifest. Egyptian Museum, Cairo Block statue of Pa-Ankh-Ra, ship master, bearing a statue of Path. Late Period, ca. 650-633 SC, cabinet des M ©dailies.Ancient Greece The first distinctive style of Ancient Greek sculpture developed in the Early Bronze Age Cycladic period (3rd millennium BCC), where marble figures, usually female and small, are represented in an elegantly simplified geometrical style. Most typical is a standing pose with arms crossed in front, but other figures are shown in different poses, including a complicated figure of a harpist seated on a chair. The subsequent Minoan and Mycenaean cultures developed sculpture further, under influence from Syria and elsewhere, but it is in the later Archaic period f rom around 650 BCC that the sours developed.These are large standing statues of naked youths, found in temples and tombs, with the Koreans the clothed female equivalent, with elaborately dressed hair; both have the â€Å"archaic smile†. They seem to have served a number of functions, perhaps sometimes representing deities and sometimes the person buried in a grave, as with the Scissors Sours. They are clearly influenced by Egyptian and Syrian styles, but the Greek artists were much more ready to experiment within the style.During the 6th century Greek sculpture developed rapidly, becoming more naturalistic, and with much more active and varied figure poses in narrative scenes, though still within idealized conventions. Sculptured pediments were added to temples, including the Parthenon in Athens, where the remains of the pediment of around 520 using figures in the round were fortunately used as infill for new buildings after the Persian sack in 480 BCC, and recovered from the sass on in fresh unwatched condition.Other significant remains of architectural sculpture come from Pesetas in Italy, Corp.,Delphi and the Temple of Papaya in Ageing (much now in Munich). Cycladic statue 2800-2300 BC. Parlay marble; 1,5 m high (largest known example of Cycladic sculpture. From Amorous Cycladic statue 2700-2300 BC. Head from the figure of a woman, H. 27 CM (10 h in. ) Cycladic Female Figurine, c. 2500-2400 BCC, 41. 5 CM (16. 3 it-I) high Mycenae, Female portrait, perhaps a sphinx or a goddess. Painted plaster, ca. 1300-1250 BC Mycenae, 1600-1500 BC.Silver rhythm with gold horns and rosette on the forehead Bull's head, Mycenaean rhythm Terra cotta, 1300-1200 BC. Found in a tomb marathons, British Museum Monsoon vase, 670 BC, Decorated photodiodes at Monsoon, Greece, depicting one of the earliest known renditions of Trojan Horse, Archaeological Museum of Monsoon Lifeless sours, c. 590-580 BCC,Metropolitan Museum of Art The â€Å"Angina Sphinx† from Delphi, 570- 560 BC, the figure 222 CM (87. 4 in) high Peoples Core, c. 530 BC, Athens, Acropolis Museum Late Archaic warrior from the east pediment of the Temple of Papaya, c. 00 The Mathis sarcophagus, formulators, Cyprus, 2nd quarter of the 5th century BC Archaic period, Metropolitan Museum of Art Classical We have fewer original remains from the first phase of the Classical period, often called the Severe style; free-standing statues were now mostly made in bronze, which always had value as scrap. The Severe style lasted from around 500 in relief, and soon after 480 in statues, to about 450. The relatively rigid poses of figures relaxed, and asymmetrical turning positions and oblique views became common, and deliberately sought.This was combined with a better understanding of anatomy and the harmonious structure of sculpted figures, and the pursuit of naturalistic presentation as an aim, which had not been present before. Excavations at the Temple of Zeus, Olympia since 1829 have revealed th e largest group of remains, from about 460, of which many are in the Louvre. The â€Å"High Classical† period lasted only a few decades from about 450 to 400, but has had a momentous influence on art, and retains a special prestige, despite a very restricted number of original survivals.The best known works are the Parthenon Marbles, traditionally (since Plutarch) executed by a team led by the most famous Ancient Greek sculptor Aphid's, active from about 465-425, who was in his own day ore famous for his colossal Christianizes Statue of Zeus at Olympia (c 432), one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, his Athena Parthenon (438), the cult image of the Parthenon, and Athena Approaches, a colossal bronze figure that stood next to the Parthenon; all of these are lost but are known from many representations.He is also credited as the creator of some life-size bronze statues known only from later copies whose identification is controversial, including the Lidos Hermes. The Hi gh Classical style continued to develop realism and sophistication in the unman figure, and improved the depiction of drapery (clothes), using it to add to the impact of active poses. Facial expressions were usually very restrained, even in combat scenes. The composition of groups of figures in relief and on pediments combined complexity and harmony in a way that had a permanent influence on Western art.Relief could be very high indeed, as in the Parthenon illustration below, where most of the leg of the warrior is completely detached from the background, as were the missing parts; relief this high made sculptures more subject to damage. The Late Classical style developed the free-standing female nude statue, supposedly an innovation of Parallaxes, and developed increasingly complex and subtle poses that were interesting when viewed from an number of angles, as well as more expressive faces; both trends were to be taken much further in the Hellenic period. High Classical high relief from the Elgin Marbles, which originally decorated the Parthenon, c. 447-433 BCC) Hellenic The Hellenic period is conventionally dated from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, and ending either with the final conquest of the Greek heartlands y Rome in 146 BC or with the final defeat of the last remaining successor-state to Alexander empire after the Battle of Actinium in 31 BC, which also marks the end of Republican Rome. 42] It is thus much longer than the previous periods, and includes at least two major phases: a â€Å"Programmer† style of experimentation, exuberance and some sentimentality and vulgarity, and in the 2nd century BC a classifying return to a more austere simplicity and elegance; beyond such generalizations dating is typically very uncertain, especially when only later copies are known, as is usually the case.The initial Programmer style was not especially associated with Bergamot, from which it takes its name, but the very wealthy kings of that stat e were among the first to collect and also copy Classical sculpture, and also commissioned much new work, including the pomegranate Altar whose sculpture is now mostly in Berlin and which exemplifies the new style, as do the Mausoleum at Hallucinations (another of the Seven Wonders), the famous Loco ¶n and his Sons in the Vatican Museums, a late example, and the bronze original of The Dying Gaul (illustrated at top), which we know was part of a group actually commissioned or Bergamot in about 228 BC, from which the Lidos Gaul was also a copy. The group called the Fairness Bull, possibly a 2nd-century marble original, is still larger and more complex,[43] Hellenic sculpture greatly expanded the range of subjects represented, partly as a result of greater general prosperity, and the emergence of a very wealthy class who had large houses decorated with sculpture, although we know that some examples of subjects that seem best suited to the home, such as children with animals, were in fact placed in temples or other public places.For a much more popular home execration market there were Tanager figurines, and those from other centers where small pottery figures were produced on an industrial scale, some religious but others showing animals and elegantly dressed ladies. Sculptors became more technically skilled in representing facial expressions conveying a wide variety of emotions and the portraiture of individuals, as well representing different ages and races. The relief from the Mausoleum are rather atypical in that respect; most work was free- standing, and group compositions with several figures to be seen in the round, like he Lagoon and the Bergamot group celebrating victory over the Galls became popular, having been rare before.Debarring Faun, showing a satyr sprawled asleep, presumably after drink, is an example of the moral relaxation of the period, and the readiness to create large and expensive sculptures of subjects that fall short of the heroic. [44 ] After the conquests of Alexander Hellenic culture was dominant in the courts of most of the Near East, and some of Central Asia, and increasingly being adopted by European elites, especially in Italy, where Greek colonies initially controlled most of he South. Hellenic art, and artists, spread very widely, and was especially influential in the expanding Roman Republic and when it encountered Buddhism in the easternmost extensions of the Hellenic area.The massive so-called Alexander Sarcophagus found in Sided in modern Lebanon, was probably made there at the start of the period by expatriate Greek artists for a Hellenized Persian governor. [45] The wealth of the period led to a greatly increased production of luxury forms of small sculpture, including engraved gems and cameos, Jewelry, and gold and silverware. The Programmer style of the Hellenic period, from topographer Altar, early 2nd century. ) The Rice Bronzes, very rare bronze figures recovered from the sea, c. 460-430 Hermes and the Infant Dionysus, possibly an original by Parallaxes, 4th century Two elegant ladies, pottery figurines, 350-300 Bronze Statuette of a Horse, late 2nd – 1st century B. C. Metropolitan Museum of Art The Winged Victory of Commemorates, c. 90 BC, Louvre Venus De Mill, c. 130 – 100 BC, Greek, the Louvre Loco ¶n and his Sons, Greek, (Literalistic), circa 160 BC and 20 BC,White marble, Vatican Museum Loaches, Apollo Belvedere, c. 30 – 140 AD. Roman copy after a Greek bronze original of 330-320 BC. Vatican Museums Europe after the Greeks Roman Sculpture Early Roman art was influenced by the art of Greece and that of the neighboring Etruscan, themselves greatly influenced by their Greek trading partners. An Etruscan specialist was near life size tomb effigies in terracotta, usually lying on top of a sarcophagus lid propped up on one elbow in the pose of a diner in that period.As the expanding Roman Republic began to conquer Greek territory, at first in Souther n Italy and then the entire Hellenic world except for the Parthian far sat, official and patrician sculpture became largely an extension of the Hellenic style, from which specifically Roman elements are hard to disentangle, especially as so much Greek sculpture survives only in copies of the Roman period. By the 2nd century BCC, â€Å"most of the sculptors working at Rome† were Greek, often enslaved in conquests such as that of Corinth (146 BCC), and sculptors continued to be mostly Greeks, often slaves, whose names are very rarely recorded. Vast numbers of Greek statues were imported to Rome, whether as booty or the result of extortion or amerce, and temples were often decorated with re-used Greek works. A native Italian style can be seen in the tomb monuments, which very often featured portrait busts, of prosperous middle-class Romans, and portraiture is arguably the main strength of Roman sculpture.There are no survivals from the tradition of masks of ancestors that were w orn in processions at the funerals of the great families and otherwise displayed in the home, but many of the busts that survive must represent ancestral figures, perhaps from the large family tombs like the Tomb of the Copies or he later mausoleum outside the city. The famous bronze head supposedly of Luscious Genius Brutes is very variously dated, but taken as a very rare survival of Italic style under the Republic, in the preferred medium of bronze. Similarly stern and forceful heads are seen on coins of the Late Republic, and in the Imperial period coins as well as busts sent around the Empire to be placed in the basilicas of provincial cities were the main visual form of imperial propaganda; even Luminous had a near-colossal statue of Nero, though far smaller than the 30 meter high Colossus of Nero in Rome, owe lost.The Romans did not generally attempt to compete with free-standing Greek works of heroic exploits from history or mythology, but from early on produced historical w orks in relief, culminating in the great Roman triumphal columns with continuous narrative relief winding around them, of which those commemorating Trojan (CE 113) and Marcus Aurelia's (by 193) survive in Rome, where the Era Pace's (â€Å"Altar of Peace†, 13 BCC) represents the official Greece-Roman style at its most classical and refined. Among other major examples are the earlier re-used relief on the Arch of Constantine and the base of the Column of Notations Pious (161), Company relief were cheaper pottery versions of marble relief and the taste for relief was from the imperial period expanded to the sarcophagus.All forms of luxury small sculpture continued to be patronized, and quality could be extremely high, as in the silver Warren Cup, glass Ulcerous Cup, and large cameos like the Gamma August, Kananga Cameo and the â€Å"France†. For a much wider section of the population, McCollum relief decoration of pottery vessels and small figurines were produced in great quantity and often considerable quality. Section of Tartan's Column, CE 1 13, with scenes from the Disdain Wars) (Augustan state Greece-Roman style on the Era Pace's, 13 BCC) After moving through a late 2nd-century â€Å"baroque† phase, in the 3rd century, Roman art largely abandoned, or simply became unable to produce, sculpture in the classical tradition, a change whose causes remain much discussed.Even the most important imperial monuments now showed stumpy, large-eyed figures in a harsh frontal style, in simple compositions emphasizing power at the expense of grace. The contrast is famously illustrated in the Arch of Constantine of 31 5 in Rome, which imbibes sections in the new style with roundels in the earlier full Greece-Roman style taken from elsewhere, and the Four Tetrarch (c. 305) from the new capital of Constantinople, now in Venice. Ernst Kittening found in both monuments the same â€Å"stubby proportions, angular movements, an ordering of parts through symmet ry and repetition and a rendering of features and drapery folds through incisions rather than modeling†¦The hallmark of the style wherever it appears consists of an emphatic hardness, heaviness and angularity ? in short, an almost complete rejection of the classical tradition†. This revolution in style shortly preceded the period in which Christianity was adopted by the Roman state and the great majority of the people, leading to the end of large religious sculpture, with large statues now only used for emperors. However rich Christians continued to commission relief for sarcophagi, as in the Sarcophagus of Genius Abacus, and very small sculpture, especially in ivory, was continued by Christians, building on the style of the consular diptych. Etruscan sarcophagus, 3rd century BCC The â€Å"Capitalize Brutes†, dated to the 3rd or 1st century BCC Augustus of Prima Portal, statue of the emperor Augustus, 1st century CE.Vatican Museums Tomb relief of the Deck†, 9 8-117 CE Bust of Emperor Claudia, c. 50 CE, (reworked from a bust of mineralogical), It was found in the so-called Tripoli basilica in Aluminum, Italy, Vatican Museums Commodes dressed as Hercules, c. 191 CE, in the late imperial â€Å"baroque† style The Four Tetrarch, c. 305, showing the new anti-classical style, in porphyry, owns Marco, Venice The cameo gem known as the â€Å"Great Cameo of France†, c. 23 CE, with analogy of Augustus and his family Early Medieval and Byzantine The Early Christians were opposed to monumental religious sculpture, though continuing Roman traditions in portrait busts and sarcophagus relief, as well as smaller objects such as the consular diptych.

Monday, July 29, 2019

International Business Environment in Ireland Case Study - 1

International Business Environment in Ireland - Case Study Example Within the combination of various factors that influence development, the government of Ireland embraces peace and socio-cultural integration so that the country is able to recognize business partners as part of their economic development stakeholders hence handling business partners with the diligent they require. Cut in government spending is also a factor which boosted the performance of the economy of Ireland. Tax reduction was meant to reduce the cost of investment and attract foreign investors in the country. That is why Microsoft was attracted to invest in information technology business in Ireland which generated a lot of economic activities and contributed positively towards the gross domestic product. With control over the inflation, the country is able to gain from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) increasing the number of the business transaction between traders and intergovernmental organization to the benefit of the country. However, with the peaceful transition in government, the economic state of the country has withstood the tough global economic challenges that face many countries in the global market resulting into heavy losses in business and trade as a whole (Gordon Bigelow, 2003, p. 45). The overall ability of a country to attract foreign investment also depends on membership of an economic trading block. In case of Ireland membership of European economic commission not only provided the market to the country but also enabled it to diversify its export products. Initially, Ireland depended on the markets of the united kingdom alone which relied mostly on agricultural products only. Through membership of the economic block Ireland was able to open up to competition for its products as well (Philip, 2000, p. 17).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Intgratinh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effectively Literature review

Intgratinh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effectively into the early childhood education learning environment - Literature review Example Pre-schoolers are relatively young in terms of age. Therefore, it is necessary to closely examine the positive and negative impact of using ICT in early childhood education. To gain better understanding behind the need to incorporate the use of ICT in early childhood education, it is necessary to first discuss its importance followed by identifying useful ways on how the pre-school teachers can effectively integrate or implement the use of ICT within the early childhood education environment. Importance of Using ICT in Early Childhood Education There are many reasons as to why the New Primary Curriculum requires the need to incorporate the use of ICT in early childhood education. For instance, Can-Yasar et al. (2012) mentioned that it is necessary to expose children on how to use technology at an early age to prepare them with the use of a wide-range of technology in higher education. Furthermore, the act of early exposing children with the use of technology can somehow positively af fect their mental development and long-term motivation to learn (Can-Yasar et al., 2012; Celebi-Oncu, 2010). ICT can be used to expand each child’s knowledge. ... only their social-affective development but also their language, social-affective development, psychomotor skills (Can-Yasar et al., 2012; Celebi-Oncu, 2010; Forcier and Descy, 2008). In the process of allowing the pre-school students to develop a sense of belongingness inside the classroom, allowing them to use technology in learning will provide them with unlimited opportunity to work and learn collaboratively with other students (Forcier and Descy, 2008; Stephen and Plowman, 2008). Since the pre-school children will learn how to control their emotions and behavior in class, gaining friends will help these children gain both self-confidence and self-respect (Stephen and Plowman, 2008). Lastly, the use of ICT products in teaching can encourage the pre-school students to move their eyes and hands in coordination with their other body parts help them improve their motor and overall physiological development (Celebi-Oncu, 2010). Therefore, the use of ICT has been considered as a very p owerful learning tool in early years. Strategic Ways on How to Effectively Integrate or Implement ICT in Early Childhood Educational Learning Environment Constructivism means that each child plays a significant role in â€Å"constructing enw knowledge† (Lake and Jones, 2012, p. 164). As a constructivist approach to early education, play is defined as â€Å"a meaningful activity that children choose to participate in, that involves children in physical, cognitive, and communicative efforts in social and cultural contexts† (Lake and Jones, 2012, p. 164; Hedges, 2008, p. 10). Based on the childrens’ experiences with their environment, the pre-school students can effectively learn how to solve problems and improve thier social skills (Can-Yasar et al., 2012). Aside from making children perceive

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Communism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communism - Research Paper Example It also promotes the fact that every worker should be rewarded for all his work and also holds a share in the profits. Communism is broadly defined as a movement which aims to fulfill all these aims. It tries to end wage labor and private property in terms of economics. Hence it is considered by many to be a form of governance which provides equality to all the people. The word communism is derived from the community which means that this type of governance takes the whole community when taking decisions. The rich do not get richer in a communist society and the poor do not get poorer. Moreover the state decides as to how the resources have to be allocated in the society. This creates a state of equality in the society because of which people do not have to fight for supreme power. Karl Marx defined communism in the following words â€Å"Communism is for us not a state of affairs that is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement that abolishes the present state of things [emphasis in original]† (Holmes 2009). The workers in a communist government are not trapped to a single job as they have the freedom to change jobs whenever they want to. According to Karl Marx â€Å"Society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming a hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic† (Fandel 2008). Over the years it is seen that many leaders have come who believed in the stability that communism could provide to the whole society. Vladmir Lenin of Russia provides a suitable example of a leader who believed in the roots of communism. He broadened the views of the general society regarding the difference between socialism and communism. He stabilized the roots of communism

Logistics management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Logistics management - Essay Example The rapid growth of technology has significantly changed the social, economic, and political aspects of life. The immense impact of technological advancements has made enterprises to embrace technologies in ways that enhance their competitive advantage. It has become apparent to enterprises that their survival in the knowledge-based economy greatly depends on how they improve their technological capability. In particular regard to logistics, firms have realized the essence of developing adequate methodologies so as to successfully adopt new technologies in this field, as well as integrating logistics into their corporate strategy for gaining more competitive advantage (Waters, 2007, p. 76). Since the conception of computerization, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) have assumed supporting role for functions of the organizations. In recent years, logistics has changed with the growth and adoption in the use of ICT systems such as GIS, Warehouse Management System, Transpor t Management System, and GPS among others. The use of these ICT systems has considerably improved the way companies manage their supply chains. Major ICT systems have impacted on each of the logistics component (Sauvage, 2003, p. 237). It is against this background that this paper will seek to evaluate the key components of Logistics Management and discuss the major ICT systems in each component of logistics. In addition, the paper will provide a critical analysis of benefits and challenges in adopting and applying the technology in logistics. Components of Logistics Management It is important to point out that components of logistics management are aimed at achieving the following: satisfying customers’ needs; product selection; monitoring quality of services and goods; dealing with logistics information accordingly; inventory management; and forecasting and procurement (Grant, 2006, p. 24). Mainly, there are eight components of logistics management. i) Customer Order Proces sing This component is designed to facilitate customer satisfaction. It involves flow of the following actions: filling of the order form; making decisions on the specifications of particular product; making decision on the quality check list of the product; deciding on the delivery schedule and deciding on the delivery location of the goods. The flow of actions is highly customer-focused and aims at meeting all the requirements of the customer. This component takes into consideration several important factors. Firstly, it takes into account the cost of order processing and ensures that this type of cost is appropriate for both the customer and the logistic firm. The second factor that is considered is whether the logistic firm has the capacity to produce the required component (Langley, 2006, p. 42). The third factor that is considered under this component is the detailed list of specifications; the company should ensure that the component being processed for customer has met all t he specifications required by the customer. The component of customer order processing has adopted and used ICT systems to make its operations effective and efficient. The major ICT systems that has been adopted and used in this component are Electronic Data Interchange, Web Portal, and E-ERP. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is an ICT system that facilitates structured transmission of data by electronic means between organizations (Sauvage, 2003, p. 240). Logistics companies have used

Friday, July 26, 2019

An analysis of two women and their stories Essay

An analysis of two women and their stories - Essay Example The two women lived in a time when society was male-dominant. A woman's place was relegated to home and hearth and her entire existence revolved around the needs of her husband. Consequently Elisa Allen and the American wife are filled with a craving for some meaning in their lives and needs so powerful that it threatens to overwhelm them. They yearn for personal happiness that has been denied to them by marriage and society. Steinbeck's opening lines, "The high gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world. On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made of the great valley of a closed pot" capture Elisa's plight beautifully. She is shut off from the rest of the world and it seems to her like the fog will never lift. Elisa's husband means well but he is insensitive to her secret yearning and therefore he fails her. Her boundless energy is poured in concentrated amounts to numerous household chores and her beloved chrysanthemums but there is always a part of her which longs to rise above the low expectations society has for women. Thus she is a veritable cauldron, bubbling over with hope for something better than her life has to offer. Similarly Hemingway's protagonist is trapped in a loveless marriage with a controlling and negle

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discuss the reasons for the emergence of China as a global trading Essay - 1

Discuss the reasons for the emergence of China as a global trading power in the light of international trade theories - Essay Example There are various theories behind the rise of China as one of the strongest economies in the world. This work will look into and discuss the reasons behind the emergence of China as a global trading power in the world in the light of International Trade Theories. China has remained one of the strongest Communist countries in the world and after the fall of USSR, it has emerged as the center of the Political ideology in the world. However the subsequent reforms saw the start of the country’s transition to the market economies. The economic reforms into China started during 1978 and are considered as most successful as compared to the other controlled economies of Eastern Europe. A comparative study of the transition economies would suggest that China has been able to perform better than other transition economies of Eastern Europe mainly because of the rise of private firms into China. The emergence of Private firms into China has been extra-ordinary despite the fact that State has protected the state owned enterprises. The rise of China therefore is also attributed to the unplanned rise of private firms into the country besides the government reforms. From 1978 to 1992, the gross national product in China grew at an average rate of 9% and in 1992 and 1993, growth accelerated to over thirteen percent, giving China the worlds fastest growing economy. In 1994, even with attempts to cool down the economy, growth remained above ten percent.Error: Reference source not found. However it also must be noted that the largely held misconception that the Mao Zedong was behind the economic rise of China is not correct in its true sense as many believed that a great Opportunity to fulfill the Chinese dream remained unfulfilled during his era however the Mao era also saw the changes into health, education and other sectors of the economy however on the whole it remained largely under achieved economy during

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Peer Support Program for New Nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Peer Support Program for New Nurses - Essay Example Every day that nurses see a distressed person, an injured person and even deaths occurring almost every day in their presence. Although they are trained to handle this, they nonetheless have to sometimes be overwhelmed by this (Robinson, 2003). These nurses need peer-support in the workplace. Â  Nurses also almost always have to work with precision which means that any small mistakes can lead to serious repercussions for the patients as well as the nurses. Peer support is definitely appreciated to maintain this accuracy in working. New nurses may not be able to have everything in their fingertips and sometimes can have a very difficult time getting their head around the many tasks they carry out every day. In this regard, a peer support program for new nurses would have to include the following; Â  Like any workplace, nurses and especially new ones need social support from their peers. Social and psychological support is important to the nurses because that feeling of belonging is a vital ingredient in increasing the nurse’s efficacy (Hughes, 2012). Â  Building the formal social support systems can be made from the informal to make formal systems. It is good to note that informal social support systems develop naturally everywhere in the workplace. Unfortunately, these informal social support systems are not efficient in their ways and it is necessary to make sure that they are harnessed. To formalize this system is important to make sure that the new nurses can benefit as soon as they join the working force in a care centre or hospital. Â  New nurses can be overwhelmed by their work. Needless to say, overwhelmed nurses can only give healthcare which is of lower quality to the patient. This can also lead to their mental health deteriorating and they therefore need support. This peer support can be accessed through information systems which make real-time consultations with other nurses (Michael, 2014). Â  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Data Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business Data Analysis - Essay Example Histogram for the First Quarter Average Order Size Figure 1.3. Histogram for the Second Quarter Average Order Size Table 1.2. Relative Frequency Distribution for the First Quarter Average Order Size Order Size Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 0-20 0 0.00 20-40 0 0.00 40-60 0 0.00 60-80 0 0.00 80-100 2 0.03 100-120 8 0.13 120-140 17 0.27 140-160 19 0.31 160-180 10 0.16 180-200 4 0.06 200-220 1 0.02 220-240 1 0.02    62 1 Table 1.3. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Second Quarter Average Order Size Order Size Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 0-20 0 0.00 20-40 0 0.00 40-60 0 0.00 60-80 0 0.00 80-100 1 0.02 100-120 10 0.16 120-140 24 0.38 140-160 19 0.30 160-180 5 0.08 180-200 3 0.05 200-220 2 0.03    64 1 (b) Construct similar quarterly charts for the company’s total number of orders per day. ... Relative Frequency Distribution for the Third Quarter Orders Q3 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 1 0.02 120-130 1 0.02 130-140 4 0.06 140-150 2 0.03 150-160 14 0.22 160-170 16 0.25 170-180 13 0.21 180-190 10 0.16 190-200 1 0.02 200-210 1 0.02    63 1 Table 1.5. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Fourth Quarter Orders Q4 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 0 0.00 120-130 2 0.03 130-140 2 0.03 140-150 5 0.08 150-160 10 0.16 160-170 15 0.23 170-180 9 0.14 180-190 8 0.13 190-200 8 0.13 200-210 3 0.05 210-220 1 0.02 220-230 0 0.00 230-240 0 0.00 240-250 1 0.02    64 1 Table 1.6. Relative Frequency Distribution for the First Quarter Orders Q1 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 0 0.00 110-120 1 0.02 120-130 1 0.02 130-140 1 0.02 140-150 3 0.05 150-160 3 0.05 160-170 9 0.15 170-180 12 0.19 180-190 14 0.23 190-200 7 0.11 200-210 4 0.06 210-220 5 0.08 220-230 1 0.02 230-240 1 0.02    62 1 Table 1.7. Relative Frequency Distribution for the Second Quarter Orders Q2 Order Intervals Frequency Relative Frequency 100-110 1 0.02 110-120 0 0.00 120-130 0 0.00 130-140 0 0.00 140-150 2 0.03 150-160 7 0.11 160-170 7 0.11 170-180 19 0.30 180-190 13 0.20 190-200 9 0.14 200-210 4 0.06 210-220 1 0.02 220-230 1 0.02    64 1 (c) What changing patterns are evident in the data from quarter to quarter? What are some possible explanations? The histograms and relative frequency distributions of the average order size for the first and second quarters are both uni-modal and negatively skewed. This indicates that data are concentrated to the right of the mean. This supports Laurel’s trending assumptions that â€Å"orders will be more frequent and for smaller amounts than before†. Meanwhile, the histograms

Monday, July 22, 2019

Learning and perception Essay Example for Free

Learning and perception Essay Learning and perception can be related regarding the sensory abilities of the human mind to understand, calculate, and assign learning experiences to our sensory motors. For instance, a child will stay away from a stove if he/she is burned by an eye. At this typical age, a child is unaware of the concept of heat or hot but they can register thousands of experiences through their use of touch. In perceptional learning, human instincts are the accomplices in discovering new and exciting experiences through sensory (Freeman, 1991). According to Freeman (1991), learning has an impact on our ability to perceive experiences accurately. As an example, a child that views domestic violence on a daily basis may assume it is natural. This child could develop an ineffective sensory to pain by observing and experiencing it from a violent adult. In turn, the child may develop an innocent perception that pain is equal to normal. His or her learning of domestic violence is different from others so his or her perception of violence may not affect their judgment during a violent occurrence with others (Perception, 2006). Another obvious connection of learning and perception is the human’s ability to adjust oneself to the visual make up of others in a social surrounding. Debutants contribute to the development of young women and men. Their intentions are to teach social etiquette for proper associations mainly available in higher social classes. For instance, a debutant from a wealthy family may see a debutant from an underprivileged home as an equal if financial status was not a factor. The visual perception of the reality is seen only superficially. As the learning of the financial status of both debutants are known, the image might change one’s perception of the underprivileged Debutant. The relationship between perception and learning is evident in every day life in which people learn of their surroundings and act accordingly (Freeman, 1991). Works Cited Freeman, Walter J. â€Å"The Physiology of Perception† Scientific American, Vol. 264 (2) 78-85. Perception. Accessed on December 15, 2008 at http://www. a2zpsychology. com/PSYCHOLOGY_GUIDE/Perception. htm.

Same Sex Marriage Essay Example for Free

Same Sex Marriage Essay There have been several questions that have caused controversial issues for the government. One of these questions is, Can the government regulate who can and cannot marry? This is an important question relating to same-sex marriages. I believe that the government cannot regulate who can and cannot marry. According to Rainbow SIG, which is a same-sex interest group, it is no one else’s business if two men or two women want to get married. Two people of the same sex who love each other should be allowed to publicly celebrate their commitment and receive the same benefits of marriage of a heterosexual couple. Also, there is no such thing as traditional marriage. Given the prevalence of modern and ancient examples of family arrangements based on polygamy, communal child-rearing, the use of concubines and mistresses and the commonality of prostitution, heterosexual monogamy can be considered unnatural† in evolutionary terms. American Civil Liberties Union says, gay marriage is protected by the Constitutions commitments to liberty and equality. The US Supreme Court declared in 1974’s Cleveland Board of Education v.  LaFleur that the freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause. † Another interest group that supports same-sex marriage is The Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians believes that denying same-sex couples the right to marry families as inferior and sends the message that it is acceptable to discriminate against them Many people and organizations believe that same-sex marriage is a blasphemies sin to Christ and his or her religion. Moreover, many political groups are against same-sex marriage just to get votes and an official chair in office. These people believe they can control the feelings or emotions of a human being. They tend to use the bible as a reference but only use specific parts from the bible such as the book of Proverbs. According to Iowa Politics, a report filed by the New Jersey-based National Organization for Marriage, basically they are a group that opposes same-sex marriage, which spent $86,080 on television ads. The Iowa Supreme Court in April dismissed a 10 year ban of same-sex marriage but allowed the church’s right to decide who can be married under its roof. Based on this nformation, I still do not agree with this. If a national organization can spend almost $90,000 on a ban of gay marriage, couldn’t that same group apply that money for orphan shelters or food banks? Also, I believe that if the church is separate from state, he or she should not have that great of an influence on a national decision. John R. Carter said that he disagrees with same-sex marriage because; and I quote; â€Å"I support maintaining the Defense of Marriage Act†. In conclusion, same-sex marriage can either be allowed or disapproved. However, I believe that same-sex should be allowed. Not based upon religion or a profit but on his or her own beliefs. I mean who gets to say what is traditional. If you look at the culture before today there were practices of polygamy and the use of concubines and mistresses, were normal for them. Even in the bible a lot of people practiced polygamy. So how did heterosexuality become what is traditional? This is just because it is what people in the old day believed was right by a man and woman and also they read only specific parts of the bible where it talks about a man leaving his family to be with women.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis of the Tourism Sector and Employment Rates

Analysis of the Tourism Sector and Employment Rates CHAPTER 3 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS As in the previous chapter there was the theoretical and empirical literature review of impact of tourism on employment. This chapter will focus on the statistical analysis of tourism sector and employment. 3.1 Overview of Tourism sector in Mauritius Tourism sector is considered as the main pillar in the Mauritian economy. Mauritius has been experiencing rapid growth during the last few decades. The tourism sector is supervised by theMinistry of Tourism and Leisure, theMauritius Tourism Promotion Authority(MTPA) promotes Mauritius locally and internationally. The Mauritian economy has been continually changing and growing during the last ten years. As the Mauritian economy was dominated by the agriculture of sugarcane and then by the textile industry, the Mauritian economy now positions itself towards flourishing sectors such as tourism. Tourist arrivals in Mauritius have been increasing drastically during the last few years. This increased in tourist’s arrival has generated a lot of employment opportunities for the local people. Mauritius has experienced an increase of 3.7% of the number of tourist arrivals in the month of January 2014 compared to the month of January 2013 according to the statistic of Mauritius. The Tourism Authority is responsible for regulating, licensing and supervising the activities of tourists enterprises. The Association des Hà ´teliers et Restaurateurs de là ®le Maurice (AHRIM) is a non-profitable organization was set up in 1973 to represent and develop the interests of hotels and restaurants in Mauritius 3.2 Tourism Flows Mauritius was a late starter in competing for international tourist. In 1968 only 15,553 tourists visited Mauritius. The government provided initiatives for developing the tourism economy by improving the infrastructural road and by providing facilities at the international airport. In the first ten years of independence, there has been significant increase in tourist arrivals reaching 108,322 in 1978 and it reached 128,360 in year 1979. However, in year 1983 tourist arrival had decreased to 124,000. Since 1983 there has been a consistent increase in arrivals of tourist and 374,639 tourists were recorded in 1993. Tourism has benefited from an increasing proportion of credit from commercial banks during this period. Government has been consistently investing in the tourist industry by improving and expanding transport , harbour facilities, modernising the airport and the provision of education and training for hotel and catering industry. Tourists arrivals increased by 177,599 over the period 1994 to 1999 from 400,526 to 578,085. Thus from year 2000 to year 2013 tourist arrivals has been increasing year by year as Mauritius has been able to compete with its competitors and is becoming the dynamic industry for Mauritius 3.3 Trend of tourism in Mauritius Trend in Mauritius tourism is considered as a flourishing industry in the island. There is no denying fact that tourist arrival in Mauritius has been increasing year by year as Mauritius is considered as a paradise island which attract numerous tourist in the island. figure 3.3 From figure 3.3 it can be noted that during the year 2010 till the year of 2013, there has been a continuous increased in tourist arrival in Mauritius. From the year 2013 till the month of February 2014, there has been a significant increase of 300,000 tourist arrival in the economy. The statistics from the beginning of the nine months in the year 2013 has recorded that there has been a decrease of 2.3 % in the arrival of tourists from European countries. However in the other hand, Mauritius has experienced an increased in its arrival of tourist from other countries such as Malaysia (48.9%), china (97.1%), Singapore (12.9%), Japan (3.3%), Hong Kong (16.6), Africa (2.9%) and Unite Arab Emirates (63.8%). Thus it can be deduced that there is an increase trend of tourist arrival in Mauritius. These figures clearly show the global tourism trend and most of the arrival of tourist in Mauritius was from the Asian market. The statistics estimated an increased in the tourist arrival in the year 2014 as Asian market seems to become a prominent market for Mauritius. The statistician of Mauritius predicted that the figure of increased tourist arrival will be around 1.03 million. The Mauritius statistics data revealed that particularly Asia and china seem to be dynamic tourism for the Mauritian economy. The Mauritius tourism promotion authority is promoting Mauritius abroad as a tourist destination by doing more and advertising campaigns and by participating in tourism fairs and it is making promotional expedition and activities in Mauritius and internationally. The government has expanded the SSR international airport so that it can accommodate more tourists so that tourism sector in Mauritius becomes a well recognised market in international level. Many countries consider tourism as an engine for future development offering diverse opportunities. Technological advances are making travel easier and increasing the number of people who are travelling annually to spend their holiday. For small and large enterprise, those searching for employment and communities wanting to promote their culture and tradition, tourism are an easy industry to enter. Table 3.3: percentage changed in tourist arrivals ( Source: CSO Mauritius) From the above table it can be deduced that Mauritius has experience a total increase of 2.9 % in year 2013 from the year 2012. It has received a significant increase of tourist arrival from China which is 100.7 %. Thus China is becoming a leading market for China. The government has increased the number of flights per week to china so that it can boost up the economy by receiving more tourists and this will generate economic growth in the country. In addition the government is also taking initiative to make Mauritius a platform for medical tourism. More and more tourists are coming to Mauritius for the medical purpose also. According to the Tourism Office of Mauritius, South Africa exceeded UK visitors in 2012 and 40,490 South Africans visited Mauritius in year 2013 in contrast with a total of tourists of 89,058 in 2012. Thus Africans are showing great interest towards Mauritius for holiday destination. The room occupancy rates in Mauritius experience an uneven trend during the review period. According to statistics of Mauritius the occupancy rate decreased from 68.0% in 2008 to 61.0% in 2009 as there was a decline in demand from European travellers due to the euro zone sovereign debt crisis. In year 2011 there was recovery as the occupancy rate raised to 65.0 %. However as there was an excessive increase in the supply of hotel rooms in 2012, the occupancy rate decreased again in year 2012 as it reached 62.0 %. According toStatistics Mauritius, total passenger arrivals to Mauritius in year 2011 were 1,294,387 and tourist arrivals for the year attained 964,642.In year 2012 emerging markets,Russian people andPeople from China, registered positive growths of 58.9% and 38.0% respectively. According to theBank of Mauritiusthe gross tourism receipts wasRs44 billion in 2012. The forecast number of tourist arrival for 2013 is 1 million that is there has been a continuous increase in the development of the tourist industry in Mauritius. 3.4 Table Actual Tourism receipt Source: BOM statistics Table shows that revenue of tourist has been increasing year after year. However in year 2009 it has experienced a decreased of 13.3% from tourism revenue. Despite the decreased of tourism revenue in 2009 it has continue to increase which shows that more tourists has been spending their money in Mauritius and there has been an increased in tourist arrivals in the economy. The tourism industry of Mauritius has acquired a high level of excellence and international fame. It has also generated a large supply of foreign currency along with the creation of employment in relation to the tourism industry. 3.4 Trend of employment in Mauritius Table 3.5 Employment rate (source c.s.o) From table 3.5 it can be noted that compared with the corresponding quarter of 2012, there has been an increase in the labour force (+13,300) with an increase in both employment (+13,100) and in unemployment (+200). Compared with the previous quarter, labour force showed an increase of 2,000 in year 2013 with an increase in employment (+4,400) and a decrease in unemployment (-2,400). Thus there has been a positive trend in the employment in Mauritius as more and more people are being employed. According to travel and tourism economic impact 2013 Travel Tourism (Mauritius) created 69,500 employment directly in 2012 (12.1% of total employment) and this is forecast to increase by 2.2% in 2013 to 71,000 (12.2% of total employment). This includes employment by hotels, travel agents, airlines and other passenger transportation services. It also includes, for example, the activities of the restaurant and leisure industries directly supported by tourists. By the year 2023, Travel Tourism will account for 95,000 jobs directly, an increase of 2.9% over the next decades. This shows that there is a continuous increase of employment trend in the tourism sector for the future of Mauritius. Table 3.6 shows the number of people employed for the period of 2000 to 2013 in the tourism industry. It can be noted that there has been a continuous increase in total employment in the tourism sector from year 2000 to year 2013. That is more and more people are being employed in the tourism sector during the last decades. Thus tourism sector is becoming a promising industry as it is generating numerous employments in the country which is beneficial for the economy of Mauritius. In 2012, the total workforce in hotels and restaurants represented 40000 workers that is, it represented a total of 7% workforce. The labour force is known for its high level of customer care. About 7500 unemployed people have got work experience in hotel and restaurant sector. Thus the labour force is increasing significantly. Moreover, the Mauritian tourist industry is no longer an absorber of low skilled labour. Government has taken necessary initiative to intensify the level of training and education of workers who were already working in the industry and also for potential workers who are seeking job in the tourism sector. Mauritius has a number of high level training institutions, both public and private, offering both formal and on the job placement in the hotels for operational, supervisory and managerial personnel. Some are specialised technical and vocational training institutions and others are universities. Numerous institutes in Mauritius are providing courses of professional standards for the tourism study as Vatel institute which has recently been set up in Mauritius. At present, we have a well trained and well educated labour force in the tourist industry. As a conclusion it can be noted that there has been a continuous increase in the trend of tourism and employment. Tourism is creating more and more employment both directly and indirectly in the Mauritian economy. Mauritius has become a tourist destination for many countries thus the number of tourist arrival is increasing significantly. It is generating more and more employment in the country which is boosting the economy. Government are taking initiatives to promote the tourism sector as this sector is creating economic growth.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Motivating Students Essay -- Education School Teacher

A large problem in schools faced by educators is motivating their students. Motivating, meaning, giving their students a reason for the work they must complete. Working without a purpose can be very challenging for students and will keep them from appreciating and taking care of their work in a satisfactory approach. In the Problem Problem by Gerald Graff he expresses his feelings towards the motivation of students. He discusses how students don’t appreciate the work they do and how they should. Graff believes that most students have a negative attitude towards their work and they simply wonder why they are doing certain assignments. The three main topics Graff breaches is the students’ ability to write an analytical paper, an argumentative paper, and a persuasion paper. In class when students receive an analysis assignment, not all but most of them frown. Analysis is a very pitied assignment due to the feelings and attitudes students have towards them. Students merely don’t understand the point in why they are analyzing a topic they do not care for. In Graff’s essay he gives an example from a student by the name of Karen. Her attitude toward analyzing topics is incredibly poor and from the tone in the essay she wrote it is extremely noticeable that she believes writing an analysis is stupid. For example she writes, "It seems to me that we analyzed things that didn’t seem to have much to analyze†¦.Another reason I do not like to analyze, though this may sound arrogant, is because it is not important to me(Gerald et al, p.2b, 2003)." Karen has no care for analyzing any sort of literature or event that happens in her life, which makes her come off as a disinteresting person. Karen is one of many students who share the same or a si... ...nment to be successful and well done the student needs a purpose that they believe in or know of. Simply writing an essay because a teacher assigned it is not viable in the eyes of Gerald. There needs to be a purpose for quality writing and expression. Gerald’s ideas are exceptionally easy to agree with. His points are all valid and reasonable. He makes no false statements about the avid student and he understands the incapability of student to write without purpose. It would be preposterous to disagree with a written document such as this one because of the easily identified problems he shares and the quality of the content he shares. Problem Problem is incredibly accurate and adequately shows the views of the well certified author, Gerald Graff. Works Cited Gerald, G. (2003). Clueless in academia. New Haven, CT: Yale.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Characters in The Girl Watcher and The Human Chair :: Tayama Katai Edogawa Rampo

Uncanny Reactions to Modernization Sugita Kojo of Tayama Katai’s â€Å"The Girl Watcher† (1907) and the chair maker in Edogawa Rampo’s â€Å"The Human Chair† (1925) react to new ways of life in a similar, vulgar manner. Both stories include aspects of society new to that time: Trains and chairs, respectively. These pieces from the Meiji & Taisho period, a period where stories began to express the character’s thoughts, depict the importance of understanding novel and foreign aspects of daily life by showing how these modern ways of living may be used inappropriately. Sugita, the protagonist in â€Å"The Girl Watcher,† has several responsibilities: his job, wife, and children. However, his passion is watching young, wealthy girls on trains. Yes. Why does he choose this particular â€Å"hobby†? These girls attend expensive high schools and can be considered modern in both age and appearance. According to lecture, trains were a new space where people of different social classes mixed, and people had to learn to act appropriately and how to look at other passengers. Right! With much practice, Sugita has figured out how to watch young women on trains, abusing this new form of travel: â€Å"It’s too direct to watch them face on, whereas from a distance it’s†¦likely to arouse people’s suspicions; therefore, the most convenient seat to occupy is one diagonally opposite† (Katai, 175). Yes. This is one of my favorite quotes in the story. Sugita is not an ordinary man, his walk is odd and he is unpleasant to the eye. However, he lives a mundane and depressing life writing for a magazine. Sugita watches girls to restore his passion for life, to engage in the modern world: â€Å"was there no one who would embrace him in her white arms? If only someone would, then he was sure †¦he would discover life†¦in hard work. Fresh blood would flow through his veins† (page 180). He wishes he could be rescued. Young women remind Sugita of his youth, of things he wanted to do but never did, such as make passionate love. Katai may be saying that once things modernize, one must become entirely modern to survive in society. Sugita lives in a modern house, wears western clothes (considered modern at the time), but he does not live a modern life: â€Å"he was coming out †¦in his same old way along his same old route, wish his same old hat†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Katai, 170).

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre essays

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Bronte's Jane Eyre    Just as servants played an essential role in Victorian England, they also played an essential role in the novel Jane Eyre. Bronte uses servants in a variety of ways. For example the housekeeper is used to bring terror and utter rejection on Jane. The nursemaid is used to teach Jane to love and nurture without neglecting discipline. The housekeeper was most often a widow, working for her kin (Hill 119). Mrs. Fairfax falls under the category of the widowed older lady working for her kin (107; ch. 11). It is Mrs. Fairfax who responds to Jane’s ad and hires her (96; ch. 10). It is also Mrs. Fairfax who warns Jane before her wedding to Rochester that she should not trust him. Being the housekeeper as well as kin Mrs. Fairfax knows a lot about Rochester. She suggests that Jane "keep Mr. Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself as well as him" ( 263; ch. 24). Bronte uses the stern housekeeper in the novel to influence Jane. The stern and disproving Mrs. Fairfax signifies the distress and turmoil that is soon to take place with the pending wedding. The housekeeper was often a terror to other servants in the home, and is the character of many stories haunting (Huggert 33). Mrs. Fairfax adhering to her role as housekeeper attempts to stir terror in Jane about marrying Rochester by telling her to distrust him (263; ch. 24). We find that Mrs. Fairfax’s warning does indeed take a toll on Jane’s behavior toward Rochester. After treating Rochester coolly for weeks, Jane says, "Mrs. Fairfax, I saw, approved me" (272; ch. 25). The same kind of attributes are displayed by Hannah the housekeeper at Moor House. The same kind of close loyal bond is also displayed by Hannah. When Jane knocks on the door of Moor House , it is Hannah who answers and turns her away. Hannah’s loyalty to the family causes her to distrust strangers and attempt to protect their interests. She refuses to allow Jane to even speak to her mistresses (329; ch. 28 ). Jane continues claiming she will die if turned away. Hannah responds: Not you. I’m fear’d you have some ill plans agate, that bring you about folk’s houses at this time o’ night. If you’ve any followers- housebreakers or such like- anywhere near, you may tell them we are not by ourselves in the house; we have a gentleman, and dogs, and guns.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gun Control Essay

Guns kill many innocent people every year. Some states require permits for guns and some states do not. There are many laws put in to effect to control guns. The main two laws that will be covered in this essay are just and unjust laws when it comes to gun control. (A just law is a man-made code squares with the moral law.) (An unjust law is that is out of harmony with the moral law) meaning that the† unjust law is not a law at all.† People have always been interested in using weapons for various reasons. The Constitution legally established the right for any law abiding citizen to keep and bear arms, yet proponents of gun control wish to steadily erode this law through regulation and legislation. Some people collect gun as collectors while some use them for protection and others use them for hunting. The term gun control is just that, a steady relentless effort to seize control by chipping away at the edges of the law until is gone entirely. While some people oppose the idea, others claim that the government should introduce tighter gun controls. The first argument of the opponents of strict gun control laws is that most people own guns to protect themselves. They claim that guns are necessary for self-defense because the police are unable to stop violent crime. Opponents further maintain that citizens keep guns to feel safe and defend themselves and their families whenever the need arises. Therefore, gun control laws disarm only the innocent people who obey the laws. Gun laws can protect people while the  same law can get someone injured, due to self-defense. No law should ever be broken because they are here to protect the people, so they say. If everyone abided by this gun law there will be no one in jail for shooting someone. There has to be something out there to help everyone understand the significance of the gun law, but there are always the opposers that make everything hard to understand. How can someone protect their family if they  cannot have guns, but the enemy â€Å"law breaker† will get their hands on one and cause harm to someone or even to their self. By not being able to protect their family makes it hard for someone to abide by these gun control laws. Every man should be able to protect their home with a gun as long the guns is kept in a safe place with child proof locks on them. Another argument put forward by people who are against gun-control is that many people keep the guns for sport and recreation. According to the opponents, these gun-owners are responsible citizens who do not intend to harm anyone. They further say that shooting and hunting are sports which many people enjoy, and gun control take firearms from hobbyist and hunters. Hunters are just trying to provide food for their families as a result of the gun law their family might starve. No one ever think about things like that they only think about how someone can be injured or killed when it comes to guns. Shooting sports can be relaxing but the gun law makes them stressful. Guns can really be dangerous when it is put in the hand of the wrong person in wrong in the wrong mind frame; therefor gun laws affect everyone that deals with some sort of guns. Most people think that gun control is absurd due to the fact that everyone doesn’t think the same way. Most sportsmen is against gun control because before the law came about they was able to live free and not worry about the violence these guns was causing. Hunters can’t hang their guns in the back window of their pick-up truck no more due to the  control laws. There should be a background check done for everyone before buying a gun so everyone don’t have to suffer for someone else mistakes. Some hunters think that gun control laws are too stiff. Guns have been around for a long time and really had no restrictions on them now hunters and sportsmen have to pay close attention to these laws so they won’t go to jail. Hunters think the gun law is unjust, while everyone else thinks it is just. (An unjust law is no law at all) makes it hard to distinguish between a just law. Recreational use for gun can be harmful to if someone is using that gun for the first time. Going to the gun range can be a stress reliever for some people and target practice for others. Needless to say but everyone no matter of age or experience should know the gun law if they going to be using a gun. Although some people oppose gun control law, others support  the idea because it may reduce the crime and accidental shootings. The reason of gun control law claims that not owning a gun can decrease the homicide that is happing. They assert that most murder victims are killed by firearms. It is also maintained that in robberies and assaults, victims are more likely to die when the criminal is armed with a gun than when he has another weapon. Most rappers rap about killing so if the kids start listening to this music they will start trying to be like the rappers, because young listeners indulge into rap music. A gun can be purchased in my different places and that’s how kids end up with them. Another reason why people oppose the gun law is because if everyone was able to carry a gun most of these killing by guns would not be happing. People must protect their self at all time because these gun laws can be for or against anyone. Most homicides with guns involved lead to people going to jail because they think they are bigger than the law, people must learn that laws are here to protect citizens. Martin Luther King Jr was killed by a gun and he was a non-violent person. People should be more like Dr. King and use the (non-violent) approach to solve any problem. An unarmed person is prone to a homicide due to the fact they can’t protect them self against an armed individual with a gun. The gun law should help people instead of hurting them. Many crimes can be stopped if the people stop be selfish. Murders happen every day and everywhere but it’s up to the people to stop them or at least decrease the rate of them happening. Guns should only be used by the military at war time but not to kill just to scare. Many people know the law some just think that it is put into effect or pertain to the ones that committing these homicides. The effects of gun control also assert the stricter laws can prevent accidental shooting especially among children. Children have a tendency to play with their parent’s gun because they think it is a toy. Parents should always keep their firearms in a safe with a child proof lock in the trigger well of their gun. If all parents that own guns lock the guns up and keep it away from their kids there would be less school shootings. A lot of youngster can be easily influenced by violent video games and TV shows that promote violence, therefore the gun laws should be tighter. Most youths today rather are out in the streets with the  wrong crowd than at home learning how to prevent homicides or accidental death due to gun control. Kids don’t know right from wrong unless their parents teach them. A lot of kids lost their lives because the parents didn’t know how to secure their guns correctly. The gun law is people should know if they want to own a firearm. In order to reach out and get the attention of the youth there has to be more parents getting involved in their kids’ lives and teach them about these gun laws if they got gun in their homes. To sum up, the opponents of gun control believe that tighter laws restrict only people who use firearms for self-protection or recreation whereas those who are in favor of gun control  claim that guns cause more harms than benefits. However, it is obvious that gun ownership is very risky, so it is necessary for the governments to introduce stricter gun laws and educate people about the firearms. With stronger gun control laws, the crime and murder rates will most likely decrease all over the world. Gun don’t kill people it the people who is not gun law educated that kills people. The gun control law was put into effect to help the citizens not to kill off the population, but many people is still getting hurt or kill by someone pulling the trigger on a gun. Works Cited Cohen, Samuel, â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. 3rd Edition Blackmore, Howard L. â€Å"Guns and Rifles of the World† Firearm Pictorial Works: 1965 Marsh, Pamela C. â€Å"Madison Firearm Dealer Sentenced† Tallahassee, Florida 30 April 2014. (newspaper) â€Å"Guns Guns† April 2013. (magazine)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ampalaya Cupcake

de tho Cupcake is considered to be ace of the surpass and opera hat-merchandising(predicate) sweets in the population. It was past introduced in the coupled States in the 19th century, and it was revolutionary beca apply of the criterion of fourth dimension it saved in the kitchen. The invoke of the cupcake originated from the two theories the cakes were origin in bothy cooked in cups and the some other iodin the ingredients apply to fill the cupcakes were heedful out by cups (Food Timeline Web).On the early part, cupcakes were c aloneed turn of plaints cakes, for reasons that they were open to remember by the mea currentments of ingredients it took to score them scarce today cupcakes sire crack out to a wide novelty of ingredients, mea accreditedments, shapes and bay wr coursehs. Cupcakes were expedient beca drug ab call they cooked much quicker than cock-a-hoopr cakes. When bake was d accept in tendernessh ovens, it would ram a lot of eon to b ake a cake, and the final proceeds would a corking deal be burned. Since their existence in twentieth century, cupcakes kick in begin a step to the fore culture wind in the culinary world.They strike spawned dozens of bakeries, devoted substitutely to cupcakes that dumbfound popped up all(prenominal) all e realw present the country, and non scarce in metropolitan cities. Chefs and bakers publish books with decorating tips and fancy whims for ingredients to use in cupcake. Food magazines publish special issues with proficient- saturation picture victorious and recipes submitted all over the country. Blogs argon too updated each day with cupcake radicals and recipes collectable to this phenomenon the bulletin board system confederation finalized to stick in the cupcake to consent p upsets not and with its predilection yet similarly with its nutritional grade content as head.Ampalaya leave be our principal(prenominal) ingredient. Ampalaya or Bi tter melon/Bitter Gourd is a vegetable that suppurates in Asia, the Caribbean, East Africa and South America. populate eat it as a feed as swell up as use it for medicative break ups to ease treat conditions including diabetes, genus Cancer and viral infections. Bitter melon affects plastered horm champions, including insulin and leptin. Due to its astringent try on m some(prenominal) a(prenominal) people usurpt akin to eat Am gamblinga correct though it is sizable. As a dissolving agent of this, The bbs mint descendd to put different tactual sensations of output jam such(prenominal) as st crudeberry, banana and mango jam as our forgivable ingredients, with this m any a(prenominal) lients ordain be bodle on coiffeing our return and try be at the same time perform merrying and benefited on the convenience of eating our Ampalaya Cupcake. Thus, our knobs go forth be much health in readyed and lead not hesitate to befool vegetable and pastry that be acquire rid off before. With this the bulletin board kitty with one of its vision is to al counsels lapse expectation and be beat the best in Class by baffle things slip by and getting things done. BITTER BETTER replete(p)-natured CORPORATION MISSION- mountain MISSIONThe bulletin board Corporation aims that it go away forever exceed expectation and conk out the best in Class by own things happen and getting things done. VISION To be the leading and choosered producer and distri just nowor of Cupcakes in the Philippines that would furnish invitees disposition for a new unique flavor and seek by consistently destiny a unique best tasting, full(prenominal) gear tonus cupcake by means of fast, efficient and amicable serv trumpery in a clean, childs play and wholesome environment. We seek to promote high forest do convergences with inexpensive expenditure adding expectant examine and health benefits in oneType of Business The Bitter Better lovin g Corporation break downed in motion with a set of psyches who extols to produce new kinds of carrefour related in cook. The six souls nonionized to be incorporated and create new invention that is new and un employ to the tastes of both individualistic. The proponents create its limit to fudge it much catchy and charitable to our customers. The Bitter, symbolizes and defines the characteristic and taste of Ampalaya (Bitter melon/ Bitter fuzee) spell the Better, defines the health benefits of eating our w be.Sweets, represent the deep brown that we pass on use in the top erect of the cupcake. To the core of dear in cook the root clear-cut to ca-caulate a brilliant universe on the authorized cupcake, in line with that the proponents came up with a twist on the harvest-tide by making the ordinary cupcake became as a Ampalaya Cupcake (Bitter melon Cupcake). Offering this cupcake to our channelize trade it shall integrate the interpretation of e genui nely(prenominal)(prenominal) individual that Ampalaya (Bittermelon) is in truth nasty to eat since it has a bitter taste.The proponent has confidence that this kind of crop lead not be pleasing and appetizing neverthe little it al diminished wishwise hold up healthy components that allow for add to its uniqueness and prize prospectively in the lead of the rest. Being the low gear one to let out this kind of intersection point is in truth bewitching to all(prenominal)one the proponents pursue to their plan to start a discipline and prepargon themselves for any find that they entrust face on the succeed familys of their affair.Through this basis the proponents hand over the idea to begin a new creation of the bbs Corporation premiere spread overing, the Ampalaya (Bitter melon) flavored cupcake that ass be competitive enough to the local anaesthetic and global patience. macrocosmagement Highlights The Management Highlights of electronic bulletin board Corp oration is classified into different departments and these ar Administrative, Finance, mart, and en commodiousion in raise to be specifying appropriate and demand skills and information. This allow play the federation work faster, easier, to a greater extent efficient, and at the same time much than full-bodied as each of the department is vary according to their expertise.It bequeath too foreground the ground use of the best raw materials that we lead acquire from all of our providers which befool selected under the close supervision of bore control and dis baseball clubedest hail that allow be kip downed immediately to the different guide beas and target market household plaza such as the restaurants and cafeteria around the underpass manila to be specific in white potato vine, Cubao in order to trammel our harvest pertly and healthy. market Highlights One of the approximately all- chief(prenominal)(prenominal) elements of any traffic is advertising and trade. Today galore(postnominal) businesses fail because they were poorly marketed than for any other reason.The around important element market for bbs Corporation shall be its side in the sense that the target market go out go by and outpouring the output that we expand for them. The proponents volition come up with different strategies such as product, impairment, distribution and promotion of the product that go forth surely attract our target market. The proponent apprize easily attract our target market by advertising on the different graphic symbols of promotions such as billboards, flyers, posters, kind networks sites Financial HighlightsThe Financial Highlights of bulletin board system Corporation shall be creditworthy on taking c be of all financial proceeding from the raw materials being utilise up to the overall procedu unfluctuating depreciates. The initial big(p) of electronic bulletin board Corporation forget drive the extr eme of ? 2,400,000. 00 the pith shall picture the damage of building up the new business with acquisition of all the inevitable equipments, machineries, overt and intangible and other supplies needed for the operation of the business. NAME OF PARTNER TYPE superior SHARE Leocadio, Vanessa Incorporator ? 480,000. 00 20% score do Lopez, Ceriena Incorporator ? 80,000. 00 20% overlap Lotivo,Raiza Jane Incorporator ? 480,000. 00 20% plow Malana, Charmaine Incorporator ? 480,000. 00 20% sh ar Mariano, Paula Bianca Incorporator ? 480,000. 00 20% sh atomic chassis 18 list ? 2,400,000. 00 100% sh ars Socio-Economic Contribution The electronic bulletin board Corporation go forth focus on charity events, environment certificate and employment. The corporation leave alone support at to the lowest degree two charity events annually by giving them cash donations come uping of P50, 000. 00. This provide be the attach tos own way of giving back to the community as the confede racy grows.The charity events that the attach to exit sponsored allow for be tourism events related. At the same time the charity events at the same time will product help to the play along by making our product long-familiar to other authorisation clients or customers. As environment-friendly participation, the company give ways sure that squ atomic number 18-toed disposal garbage whether its in the intersection or in the office, will be strictly monitored and supervise by the assigned psychenel but excessively by all the employees operative for the company as well as all the incorporators and visitors or guests.The proponents will debate away and endow employment and hiring of much workers that atomic number 18 residing in Murphy, Cubao for the company will be pull upd as the company grows. A. PRODUCT / surveillance and repair TO SELL I. Benefits, Features and Advantages The company offers cupcakes that atomic number 18 do up of Ampalaya (bitter melon) wh ich, as we all k straightaway, have many health benefits. Fillings are added at heart these cupcakes which a customer back consume between banana, cheese, mango strawberry jam. The company has its own uniqueness in order to arouse our product marketable and to a greater extent appealing compared to its competitors. thitherfore, electronic bulletin board Co. rovided a deed mainly concerned some the Benefits, Advantages and Features of the product. BENEFITS ADVANTAGES FEATURES bulletin board cupcakes state that it is healthy because of its incorporation of Ampalaya, which is widely recognized as alternative medicine. bulletin board system cupcakes apply calamitous coffee tree in the cupcake for low lettuce content. The gelt utilise will later be rancid to energy for the body needs. bulletin board cupcakes utilize the Strawberry muddle, a precise low in Saturated Fat, cholesterin and Sodium. It is desirewise a overcompensate(a) witness of Vitamin C. bbs Cupc akes characterd The banana tree stack which mass of the people knows that it is ample in calories, but very low in fats.It take ins estimable marrow of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Lastly is the mango Jam which is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is as well a good fount of Dietary graphic symbol and Vitamin B6, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. The cupcake is the initiative Ampalaya incorporated cupcake. Providing a unique and new product for clients. electronic bulletin board cupcakes have health benefits compared to other cupcake brands. notice board cupcakes are appealing for health-conscious people, in particular diabetic. BBS cupcakes have cheaper cost with the use of unuse ingredients.The cupcakes are filled with reaping jams that contain nutrients that are subjective for the body. BBS cupcakes provide a new taste because of Ampalaya, without the bitterness. BBS cupcakes domiciliate be serve d as a good dessert for a meal. BBS cupcakes state that it is a healthy product, which provide customers cravings and new desires. The products are filled with fruit jams in strawberry, banana and mango which goes well with the Ampalaya cupcake. TARGET MARKET II. Area reporting 1. Market verbal description Cupcakes are no longer just the domain of the g dwell bake sale.Cupcakes are now perfect(a) for all occasions or even without occasion, anyone ass have it. Other shops now even offer cupcakes just for pets. With fictive designs and delicious flavors, the dessert is a fashionable addition to cafes, hotels, restaurants, later on(prenominal)noon tea leaf shops and the bakehouse scratch of the local grocery store. Made with a few basic ingredients, cupcakes rear be make on the cheap and assortment at a high margin. With this, the group decided to choose the say product to be exchange in Cubao where it is so populated. Big matter of people in an state room more requisite for victuals, and this big contract means a greater chance of making gross revenue.The product go bys a new twist to all(prenominal) cupcake in the industry which makes it marketable and the bakery in Cubao is very accessible and strategical. By this, we can earn advance in a fast pace and be known around the Metro Manila very quickly. 2. Target Market profile GENERAL MARKET PEOPLE/ transmission line INVOLVED DESCRIPTION Middlemen sales managers, se heal managers, Officers/individuals, Sales Representatives. . Negotiation will have much less hassle with their help for they can make sure that the bargain forr of product will get calibre products that BBS Co. produces. Clients Direct Sell to Cafes, tea shops, Hotels, Restaurants and other members of the industry give tongue to. BBS Co. will give attention and will be hand-on in air removeing transactions to these clients. Direct Consumers throng who will buy from clients. (E. g. students, locals, cupcake lovers) These people will play a main role in consuming and positing the product from BBS Co. clients. III. Consumer / customer 3. Consumer Buying Behavior Cupcakes offer the taste of a regular-sized cake or pastry in a agreeable, portable form and are less expensive, which makes them even more desirable to consumers.They are the new rationalise in the industry today, especially those in ardour. But it is said that not all cupcakes are healthy. With these statements, it just says that people have their reason for buying unhealthy cupcake products. The cupcaketrend sweeping retail and in-store bakeries has extended its background to supermarket shelves. Cupcakes habituality grew with help from the supplySex and the urban c levywhere the lead characters ate cupcakes at Manhattans upmarket Magnolia bread makery. forrader long, cupcake towers began replacing tralatitious wed cakes and birthday cakes. Cupcakes are likewise great for kids because they dont have to share.S urprisingly, it became one of the reasons of childhood obesity. This was carefully considered by the proponents of this project. They do and formulated a cupcake with a twist of bitter melon which regulates blood and incision level. The cupcake is affordable, accessible and carefully devised to favor the cravings of the demand and the taste wouldnt what you think of as a bitter cupcake, well it is not. It is withal in a stylish form and could be customized with our consideration if a customer wishes to. This will help to market the product in the target market.To get on with those rival companies, the idea was conceptualized to make the product more appealing and crave-getter. The cupcakes, which are pungent and affordable, are in addition healthy. Real and caller bitter melon will be allowd in the cupcakes so that they will not be just yummy, but also health-wise. The proponents of the study considered such factors to strike how the clients and customers will react to the c ompetitiveness of the product. Cafes standardized Twinsiescafe in Oregon Buttercream coffee and cupcakes in Florida do a cupcake much more than just another sweet treat,but to be honest, they involve to make it a life style.They offer epicure cupcakes to any variety of cupcakes that goes along well with coffee, making them potential for customers. They want customers and friends can enjoy delicious and fresh cupcakes that compliment with their coffees. That is why cafes are one of our possible clients. tea Shops, one particular example is lunar calendar calendar month Leaf which offers cupcakes as their compliment for their teas. Well, the product that our corporation offers is a healthy one which will be considered to tea shops who prefers a healthy lifestyle for their customers and clients.Just like cafes, the great factor is that buyers want to get prime(prenominal) food and beverage at a reasonable price. In restaurants, a complete meal may come up with cupcake as their dessert. The common desserts are ice cream, fruits, brownies and other confectionery products. Since cupcake fit in this industry, the proponents make restaurants as possible market for the bitter melon cupcakes of BBS Co. The restaurants that will be supplied with the product will because offer them as a dessert or separate product to be change in their company.The customers in restaurants are primarily not sensitive to price so it will not be a reason to hesitate to the affordable cupcake that is offered. The reason that the proponents chose hotels as a client is that most of them today offer a wide variety of goods as their favorable product. Those products can also be received by the customers as an appreciation or gift for their stay in such hotels. Since our product is affordable, it would not be a hassle for a hotel company to decide and use them as a bounty item or cuckold them in their restaurant internal the hotel as dessert or separate item.Lastly, small bakeries a re considered as client since other bakeries get their product from their providers. BBS cupcakes are appealing and affordable which will make the customers want to buy these products. We will target those bakeries that start as a home-based bakery and grow from in that respect. The benefit to this, of course, is low overhead. completely those mentioned supra are just considerations of what is observed in the customers and their company behavior. The proponents of BBS Co. will make them clients and be considerate of the kaleability in managing the operation.To the customers considering their behaviors, the strategic and accessibility should be well-kept to make it marketable. B. DEMAND AND SUPPLY analysis historical Projected division 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 remove 3. 7M 3. 9M 4M 3. 6M 4M 3. 4M 3. 3M 3. 5M 4M 3. 2M proviso 3. 2M 3. 5M 3. 9M 3. 5M 4M 3. 25M 3. 2M 3. 45M 3. 95M 3. 15M GAP vitamin Dk 400k 100k 100k 0 150k 100k 50k 50k 50k lineagehtt p//www. ibisworld. com/industry/global/philippine-bakery-goods-manufacturing. html IV. Historical prerequisite (Five socio-economic classs)The proponents have conducted a look about demand for pastries, oddly, cakes and cupcakes. These products are bought every day, especially on occasions and events. Demand for baked and pastry goods is being impelled by changing lifestyles. Busy consumers are increasingly quick to buy convenient baked nosh foods such as wraps and sandwiches. The global baked goods market has shown rapid incury following the economic recession, preserve base hit eraser appendage over new-make years. Consumers are now spontaneous to set down moderately and demand high quality for their money, an equation for which retail bakeries are a solution.V. Projected Demand (Five categorys) increase innovation and better products and ingredients are fuelling buyer addition in this industry. Emerging markets represent good market potential as Hesperian li festyles and eating habits continue to be take in these regions. During these volt years, cupcake companies will have a biggishr number until it is hard to enter and make this business profitable. This will increase competition for cupcake companies and will result to innovation after innovation and up-down demand because of in stability of whom the consumers will buy their products. VI.Historical lend (Five stratums) Different small cupcake companies have opened, including providers and direct-sellers. The organic market size for the Retail and in large quantities Bakeries industry includes egress on all companies. The Great Cupcake Rush of 09, from coast to coast, over the past year the wholeed States has been expound as an almost inexplicable spread of cupcakeries around the world. This led the whole world to make cupcake as a business, particularly Asia which includes Philippines. Bakeries can be affected by price swings of the raw inputs. VII. Projected Supply (Five familys)It is predicted that the big growth of cupcake industry will end up on stability of its offer. Growth within the cake decoration stores industry is expected to slow to 3. 7 percent annually over the beside five years, according to an October 2011. Smaller number of the said industry will enter this business due to big number of competitors. This forecast represents a dip from the growth that the industry was predicted to have enjoyed during the past five years. VIII. Demand Gap (Five stratums) The demand chap shows the difference between supply and demand products.The ability to the market the product are determined by the interaction of supply and demand. C. MARKET RESEARCH IX. Procedure in Conducting Market Research The researchers devised questionnaires that would help in the study for the product in diligently manipulating the market research. These were distributed to usable coffee shops, restaurants, bakeries, hotels and tea shops then tallied the results after pr oducing the complete market research. X. Respondents Profile The researchers conveyed the survey on available coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, tea shops or even other small bakeries within Metro Manila Area.XI. Survey Results and Analysis Questionnaires are distributed to complete the market study. Questions are made up of answers that can help in create the conclusion to the research. Some questions show facts that would answer problems of research that is being ratiocinationed. come doubtNARE Name (optional) ___________________________________________ Position _______________________________ Age ____________ confederacy ________________________________________________ Directions Do answer the following questions by encircling your best choice. 1. Does your business voluntary to sell cupcakes particularly made up of Ampalaya, also called as bitter melon? a. Yesb. zero(prenominal)2. ) Have you already elect provider for cupcakes? a. Yesb. none3. ) What quality are you look ing to purchase cupcakes from a provider? a. Tastec. Aesthetic b. Price d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ 4. ) Approximately, how much are you are you unstrained to top to purchase cupcakes from your supplier per month? a. ? 10,000 20,000 b. ? 21,000 30,000 c. ?31,000 40,000 d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________________ 5. What do you prefer for your mode of post defrayment? a. 15 daysc. 45 days b. 30 daysd. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ 6. ) If possible, do you want our company to be your supplier for these healthy cupcakes? a. Yesb. No (Why? ) _______________________ 7. ) Personally, how many time in the last month have you purchased cupcake per month? a. 1c. 3 b. 5d. Others (Pls. specify) _______________ The following selective information shows the result of the survey. GRAPHS QUESTION No. 1 Does your business willing to sell cupcakes particularly made up of Ampalaya, also called as bitter melon?On variety 1. 0 shows that 96% are willing to sell Ampalay a cupcake and the remaining 4% ref employ to sell cupcakes due to managerial reasons. This explain that studyity of the respondents are willing to sell Ampalaya Cupcake to the market. QUESTION No. 2 Have you chosen supplier for cupcakes? Figure 2. 0 physical body of respondents that already chosen a cupcake supplier On Figure 2. 0 shows that 92% of the respondents have not chosen their supplier it is either they do not have their cupcakes to sell so they have no supplier and others make their own pastries.Only 8% have their supplier. QUESTION No. 3 What quality are you looking to purchase cupcakes from a supplier? Figure 3. 0 Qualities that the Respondents look for in a Cupcake provider On Figure 3. 0 shows that most of the respondents refer to the taste of the cupcake which is in 58%, 28% give importance to the price, 8% for the appearance or aesthetic and 6% for other reasons such as localization of function of supplier and quality of the product. QUESTION No. 4 Approximatel y, How much are you willing to knock off to purchase cupcakes from your supplier per month? Figure 4. Price Competitiveness On Figure 4. 0 shows that 46% of the respondents are willing to spend ? 10,000-? 20,000 for purchasing cupcakes per month. firearm 28% of the respondents are willing to spend ? 21,000- 30,000, as 10% for 31,000 to 40,000 and 16% for other price which all refers to smaller center among the choices. QUESTION No. 5 What do you prefer for your mode of post stipend? Figure 5. 0 Mode of post Payment On Figure 5. 0 shows that most of the respondents prefer to pay the sec they get the cupcakes they will buy from their supplier which is 46%. 6% prefer 15 -day credit payment and 12% for 30 days. QUESTION No. 6 If possible, Do you want our corporation (BBS Co. ) to be your supplier for these healthy cupcakes? Figure 6. 0 interest Rate of supplying the product On Figure 6. 0 shows that 96% of the respondents are open to make BBS Co. as their supplier for Amplaya Cup cake while 4% are not open due to they already have a supplier and they dont want to have a supplier. QUESTION NO. 7 Personally, How many times in the last month have you purchased cupcake per month? Figure 7. 0 Number of Times Purchasing a CupcakeOn Figure 7. 0 shows that as an individual the respondents purchase cupcakes every month. 44% of the respondents said that they buy cupcakes probably 5 times every month, 28% said that the sum of money they buy varies every month, 20% said 3 times a month and 8% buy once either in a loge/ practice bundling or per piece. D. PROJECTED gross sales XII. Per month in a family SALES PLAN FORECAST for 2013 Ampalaya Cupcakes Fillings calendar month Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake Ampalaya- quit Cupcake Ampalaya mango Cupcake Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake calendar monthly Units January 9,380 9,380 9,380 9,380 37,520February 8,954 8,955 8,954 8,955 35,818 work 8,440 8,440 8,440 8,440 33,760 April 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 26,000 may 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 24,000 June 8,693 8,693 8,693 8,693 34,772 July 8,440 8,440 8,440 8,440 33,760 August 6,495 6,495 6,495 6,495 25,980 folktember 7,160 7,160 7,160 7,160 28,640 October 7,155 7,155 7,155 7,155 28,620 November 7,690 7,690 7,690 7,690 30,760 declination 8,635 8,635 8,635 8,635 34,540 annual Units 93,542 93,543 93,542 93,543 374,170 packet boats Sales Plan for 2013Product Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake Ampalaya- quit Cupcake Ampalaya Mango Cupcake Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake Annual Units ( buffet) Box of 1 46,802 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,803 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,802 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,803 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 187,210 boxes/pieces cupcakes Box of 6 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes) 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes) 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes) 7,790 boxes(46,740 pieces cupcakes) 31,160 boxes (186,960 pieces cupcakes) tot 54,592 boxes 54,593 boxes 54,592 boxes 54,593 boxes 218,370 boxes XIII. In Volume and In PesosThe Sales Plan Forecast for 2013 table show n in Page 17 shows that BBS Co. will keep its product profitable by making the gap between produced and sold cupcakes very small. The cupcakes will be sold for Php44. 00 per piece to our clients. It will give Php39. 00 profit per cupcake. The suggested marketing price for their customers will be Php54. 00, giving them a profit of Php10. 00 per cupcake, thus, making the product appealing for the clients because of the profit. They could also sell it for higher price. This graph shows the total sales of BBS Co. in its Ampalaya cupcake in a year.E. MARKETING PROGRAM / STRATEGIES XIV. Practices of enemys Direct Competitors Cupcakes by Sonja and redden cupcakes are identified nonsymbiotic suppliers of cupcakes in different shops and hotels. They are not that well-known(a) like pestiferous dog self-coloured and Sweet Lorraine bakeshop which sell their cupcakes in shops but they have number of places where they deliver their cupcakes, they also sell it from their manufacturing pla ce in pieces or bulks and wholesale. for the first time is Cupcakes by Sonja, Cupcakes by Sonja 1CO3 G/F Serendra Fort Bonifacio spherical metropolis Taguig, Metro Manila 632. 915. 2936 32. 856. 0308 emailprotected com emailprotected com Cupcakes by Sonja is the first bakeshop in manila to define exclusively in cupcakes. They supply cupcakes in restaurants like OpenRice Restaurants. Designed to cabal nostalgia among visitors. They only sell cupcakes upon request and with nominal of 12 cupcakes per order. In this bakery, the kitchen runs 24/7 to ensure consistent quality. Everything is handcrafted from scratch and made in tiny batches, with nothing less than ingredients as real premium french cover, Mada acceleratorcar vanilla extract and Varlhona hot coffee.Preservatives are never use because cupcakes are meant to be enjoyed fresh from the oven. There are 20+ options that can be chosen and it could be customized to suit an event. flush Cupcakes Club 650 Libis, beside Shop wise (Main Branch) (02) 986-0704 (02) 664-0538 Website http//blushingcupcakes. multiply. com/ Bracnch Sky Garden, SM join EDSA (Near Sky Dome) Blushing Cupcakes was established in November 2006 as a home business catering to friends and referrals only. then named Happy Cupcakes, the business business organization started to grow as it distributed cupcakes to different offices, schools and bazaars.On November of 2007, just after a year when it started, the business expanded to set up its first branch in Libis, Quezon City. It was renamed to Blushing Cupcakes. Now, more people get to enjoy their cupcakes. They offer cupcakes of different decorations but mainly chocolate and mocha flavor that can be paired to their coffee product but sold separately. Their company sells the cupcakes wholesale and retail. The style of the cupcakes can also be changed depending on the clients wants, it can be formed from tower to simply a box of cupcake.Aside from cupcakes, they offer Pastas, Sandwic hes, Pizza, Floats and coffee in their main branch only. Indirect Competitors Lemon square up Head Office 91 Sampalok St. Libtong, Meycauayan Bulacan, Philippines Tel. No. (632) 983-9417 to 19 Fax No. (632) 984-9142 Lemon Squares owner Dulce had endlessly dream of producing the best-tasting and the highest-quality cupcakes in the Philippines, and to make these available to millions of Filipinos at a very reasonable price. She had worked on the vision for Lemon Square in her college thesis in 1980.Lemon Square had its low-pitched beginnings in 1985 when it started to offer local communities a small selection of homemade-style baked goods. Then newly-married Dulce began cook cakes to sell to her friends. Word-of-mouth curtly became the primary driving force for her cakes as demand went through the roof. She and her husband Errol concisely had to buy more cake-making machines, hire more people, increase output signal and enhance its variety to keep up with demand and to cater to the preferences of the market.In 1995, Lemon Square had to thoroughly make grow its operations to keep up with the times. It did so by acquiring a state-of-the-art baking system that enhanced its takings and efficiency. sassy Lemon Square products can be found in major supermarkets, groceries, convenience stores, market stalls, institutional canteens sari-sari stores and snack stands in the major cities and provinces of the Philippines. Only the best local and important ingredients are used, processed through advanced, fully-automated bread-making and encase machines from Europe.Frostings Cupcakes Trinoma Mall third Level Edsa corner North Avenue, Quezon City Mobile no. 0922-8790357 Shangri-La, Rustans 3rd narrative Childrens Division, MandaluyongCity Mobile no. 0922-8980271 Their stores are lovely showcases of the way they put care and love in the preparation of our cupcakes. From the soft colorise of the argues, to the eye-catching display of our delectable treats, to the at ease elegance of package, and the efficient attentiveness of staff, they make sure that their stores eloquently embody stiff commitment to superior quality and service.Cupcakes can also be a take home, experience it by getting a few boxes of cupcakes to share with your family or to give to your friends as a delicious gourmet gift. To enjoy Frostings Cupcakes the way theyre meant to be enjoyed, one should be sure to protect them from direct exposure to sunlight, to store them in room temperature, and to consume them within a hebdomad from purchase. Their cupcakes are made fresh day by day by bakers who seriously take to heart the essence of the Frostings cupcake. Each day, bakers competently rise up to the challenge of bringing the best quality cupcakes in the freshest condition possible.They spend the day in the kitchen and stay in that location as long as necessary to ensure that the quality of the cupcakes is uncompromised. Sweet Lorraine Bakeshop Manila, Philippine s www. sweetlorrainebakeshop. com Sweet Lorraine Bakeshop has their signature in their products, the sweetness, tanginess and creaminess of Cream lay off Frosting and also sweet, creamy made with natural ingredients of their Butter Cream. They have raw sienna sauce, honeycomb and lemon curd crushed or drizzled into their cupcakes, cookies and butter cream.They would rather refuse an order if they are unable to source fresh ingredients but sometimes, best ingredients constitute the most. They make everything from scratch materials. The bakeshop does not specialize in cupcakes but it is on of their offered products like their Classic Miniature cupcakes made with real vanilla beans, topped with smooth vanilla butter cream, Chocolateaholic Cupcakes, deeply sinful dark chocolate cake topped with slick smooth ganache and chocolate sprinkles and Lemon-drenched Loaf. They also have brownies like Fudge Brownies, the fudgiest richest brownies.Butterscotch Cookies are also offered with bu ttery caramel and ribbons of chewy and crunchy butterscotch, White Chocolate Cookies, sweet, chewy vanilla cookies with chunks of creamy Belgian white chocolate made from pure cocoa butter and sprinkled with sea salt, and Chewy Chocolate disrupt Cookies, highly addictive chewy, buttery cookies made with finest Belgian bittersweet chocolate. This bakeshop is created by Lorraine Nepomuceno. Located in Manila, Philippines and is home-based. Everything is baked fresh upon order without preservatives or stabilizers and from all natural ingredients.To make the products flavorful, they use the best ingredients that are already available for them, this just means the available freshest ingredients. The products are made with the passion on the flavor. XV. Key Success Factors Before opening a bakery there are several important decisions to make. Incorporators should determine how they want to start. They will need to decide how to sell baked goods successfully. The following should be consi dered * Making a goal to bear upon a certain level of profit * Strategic Location * Quality Product * Reliability in delivery handiness and Convenience * People skills Dealing with employees, customers, vendors, and so forth * Advertisement Efficiency * Know Competitors behavior XVI. Own Marketing Program / Strategies 4. Product strategy BBS Co. cupcakes are packed and made with essential vitamins and nutrients from fresh Ampalaya or bitter melon, it is also made from vegetable oil which is healthier than ordinary cooking oil. They are also made appetizing and affordable for the market. The case that will be used deals with the eco-friendly packaging with the logo of the corporation on it.It would not be an expensive packaging since the product will be supplied and the clients can make use of their own package or plating. The cupcakes will not have its specific name for they will only be mainly supplied and distributed to some businesses like cafes, tea shops, restaurants, hote ls and other small bakeries. Pictures of BBS Co. Ampalaya Cupcakes 5. determine Strategy The corporation will make cupcakes to be sold through the manufacturing place and be mainly engaging in direct selling. This means that the cupcakes will be sold in wads this will diminish the cost for operations in the company.The packaging is also made plain and low-priced materials but the attractiveness of it will be nourished. BBS Co. is offering price that has very reasonable means for every client without forfeiting the quality of the cupcakes. The humiliate the operating cost means that this will make the company profit. For the mode of payment, the company will have its business deal to the clients through payment by cash or credit. They can also deposit to the company through BBS Corporations assert account. Competitive Pricing among Competitors size wrong Supplier exclusive cupcake Php 54. 00 (Suggested) BBS.Corp. Php60. 00 100. 00 Cupcakes by Sonja Php 65. 00 Blushing c upcakes 6. Distribution Strategy BBS Co. Ampalaya cupcakes will be distributed to different establishments, especially cafes, tea shops or restaurants within Cubao that sells cupcakes. Direct selling will be implemented to these establishments and it will give advantage for it will lower the suppliers operating cost and minimize the cost for demand. 7. procession Strategy a. Sales and Promotion Program Consumer cognizance is a special factor to be considered by BBS C. since our product is a new appetizer in the industry.We made a plan that will give guarantee to our Corporation that they would reach the communicate sales and make it appealing to the market, keeping the consignment or the consumers. DATE SALES AND promotional material PLAN OBJECTIVES November deliver taste of BBS Co. Ampalaya cupcakes to its target markets. To promote the cupcakes and get the total number of clients. December Start of operation. Discounts for the first 10 clients with a least(prenominal) purchase of 50 boxes. Increase number of clients. January work Free cupcakes for the season for first 10 clients with the least purchase of 50 boxes of cupcakes every week. To make the market aware to our product through printed ads seen by consumers and promotions. PROMO FOR THE maiden YEAR OF subroutine 5% discount for every new clients for their first order. Gain allegiance and increase number of clients. unanimous OPERATION Credit payment. Make payment easy for the clients and gain their loyalty. a. Advertising program Promotion is necessary for a new entrant company to introduce its product to the industry and be appealing to its target market. BBS Co. is implementing business to business selling. We still make ways to let the market familiar about the existence of our company that produces cupcakes. . human race Relations Program INFORMATIONALComplete amount information revealed when it is advertised. Before people become interested in BBS Co. cupcakes they will n eed to know more information. These include information about the product and populace awareness. The company will increase number of Public ads like posters and leaflets. The proponents will also make the companys own website. With more information people can better decide whether or not they want to further their interest. ATTITUDINALGetting the name out there and creating awareness is important along with informing potential buyers of the product and services.Information will do nothing without a sort of persuasion. Thus, the company want audiences to travel away with a positive perspective and desire for more information. This will increase curiosity. BEHAVIORALTo increase audiences intent to purchase the product, the company will do its specific rejectives. An objective to change the behavior of potential buyers is first and for most the intent. After spreading awareness and changing the initial attitudes of audiences, the final goal is to make peoplewantto buy the product and then finally purchase. F. Marketing/ marketing Expenses The table underneath shows the marketing write off of BBS Co. or the first year of its operation. After this year the annual put down will only retain the expense for print ads, cash donations and website, amounting Php70, 500. 00 per year. BBS Co. will have survey and at large(p) taste of Ampalaya cupcakes to its projected markets. In the opening of the company, discounts for the first 10 clients with least purchase of 50 boxes will be given. For the next 3 months, there will be emancipate cupcakes for the season for first 10 clients with the least purchase of 50 boxes of cupcakes every week. For the 1st whole year, 5% discount for every new clients for their first order.The schedule infra shows when and how much will be the expenses for marketing the product. Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct toll Leaflets ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P3,000 Billboard ? ? ? ? ? ? P10,000 Posters ? ? ? ? P7,500 Discounts ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? P18,000 Website Facebook ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Free Free Taste ? ? ? P3,500 Cash donations ? P50,000 Free Cupcakes ? ? ? P15,000 entireness cost P107,000 A. Technical output Description BBS Corporation is very popular in producing Ampalaya Cupcakes with high quality and consumers can insure that the companys product have gone through proper process before producing it out to the market. The company will be known to its healthy and delicious cupcake all over the Philippines. For generations, Ampalaya or Bitter Gourd has been part of the traditional herbal medicines and has been attributed to alleviate or cure a wide variety of ailments, and BBS Corporation is found to be more potent.That is why, the aggroup decided to use Ampalaya to be one of our ingredients in making cupcakes and its benefits to aim a large number of consumers. The team added modifys to make the comp anys cupcake more nutritious like Cheese that is very good source of calcium. It is a well-known fact that calcium helps build strong bones and helps fight against osteoporosis. Another filling is the Strawberry Jam, a very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Vitamin C. The Banana Jam which majority of the people knows that it is rich in calories, but very low in fats.It contains good amount of health benefiting anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Lastly is the Mango Jam which is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Vitamin B6, and a very good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. People should know that Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavonoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalayas medicinal value, it is a good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.It is also rich in antio xidants that protect the cells of the body from damage of free radicals. In making Ampalaya cupcake, we only use a little amount of sugar and chocolate to slightly eliminate the bitter taste of Ampalaya. The consumers can expect that our product, Ampalaya Cupcake will not only give a simple cupcake that people can eat anytime and anywhere but a cupcake with nutritional value of Ampalaya. B. yield/Operation extremity * Preparation of unrefined Materials and ingredients * meld and baking of all the Ingredients * Quality manoeuvre and surveillance Packaging and Storing * sales talk i. look by footmark Procedure clapperclaw 01 dress all the ingredients and raw materials needed clapperclaw 02 Preheat oven to 350 degrees footprint 03 Line cupcake pans with subject liners Step 04 Combine all modify Ingredients in a large blend bowl. Mix at low recreate for 30 seconds, scrapping bowl constantly while mixing. Mix at high fixture for 3 proceedings, scraping bowl every minut e Step 05 Add egg and mix again until the color changed into dirty white. Add watery food color if coveted.Step 06 Pour batter into cupcake liners until they are 1/2 to 2/3 full and add the fillings. Step 07 Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean Step 08 Cool 10-15 minutes in pans then move to wire rack to coolheaded completely Step 09 Melt the chocolate bar using double broilers, judder it until it melts and add condensed milk Step 10 Add butter in fluid chocolate for glossy texture Step 11 Pour the melted chocolate in cupcakes and make designs using mini mallows, rainbow sprinkles, nips or flower (candy)Step 12 Package properly and keep it in a cool temperature. ii. continuation per Step per nap eon per Production Mixing continuance 15 minutes cook continuation 20 minutes Packaging Duration 60 minutes Checking Duration 15 minutes Total Number of Production per Bake 816 pieces Total Time Duration 1 hour and 50 minutes iii. drive and Machine Requirements per Step stairs in Production Laborer Equipment Step 1 Mixing all the ingredients needed to make Ampalaya Cupcakes. Mixer Mixer Step 2 After mixing all the ingredients, baker will bake it to commute it into a cupcake using oven with necessary time duration. Baker Oven ( hold ups 34 trays) Step 3 After baking, the packager will place the cupcakes in their respective boxes. Packager Cupcake Box (Packaging) Step 4 Quality statement Inspectorwill check the quality and number of products for producing it out to the market. Quality Control Inspector Boxes Checked Step 5 If the products are already checkered, It will be deliver to customers by the delivery boy. Delivery male child BBS Corp. Delivery motortruck C. Production entry i. calendar monthly Schedule monthly Units Plan for 2013 Ampalaya Cupcake with Fillings month Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake Ampalaya Mango Cupcake Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake Monthly Units January 9,389 9,38 9 9,389 9,389 37,556 February 8,958 8,959 8,958 8,959 35,834 March 8,445 8,445 8,445 8,445 33,780 April 6,506 6,506 6,506 6,506 26,024 May 6,008 6,008 6,008 6,008 24,032 June 8,702 8,702 8,702 8,702 34,808 July 8,445 8,445 8,445 8,445 33,780 August 6,505 6,505 6,505 6,505 26,020 September 7,164 7,164 7,164 7,164 28,656 October 7,163 7,163 7,163 7,163 28,652 November 7,696 7,696 7,696 7,696 30,784December 8,641 8,641 8,641 8,641 34,564 Annual Units 93,622 93,623 93,622 93,623 374,490 Annual Packages Plan for 2013 Product Ampalaya-Banana Cupcake Ampalaya- Cheese Cupcake Ampalaya Mango Cupcake Ampalaya- Strawberry- Cupcake Annual Units (Box) Box of 1 46,822 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,823 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,822 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 46,823 boxes/ pieces cupcakes 187,290 boxes/pieces cupcakes Box of 6 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes) 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes) 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes) 7,800 boxes(46,800 pieces cupcakes) 31,200 boxes (187,200 pieces upcakes) Total 54,622 boxes 54,623 boxes 54,622 boxes 54,623 boxes 218,490 boxes D. Labor Requirement Labor Requirement for making and producing Ampalaya cupcakes are the following Mixer is a person who mixes all the dry and pixilated ingredients as the first step in making Ampalaya Cupcake. Baker is a person who will taste and bake the cupcakes using oven only after the mixer finish his/her job. He/she will also be responsible for checking the quality of all the ingredients that will be using. Packager is a person who will place the cupcakes in the respective boxes only after the baker done the process of baking.Quality Control Inspector is a person who will count the number of units that the BBS Corporation will produce as well as the quality of the spotless products. Delivery Boys are the person responsible for delivering the cupcakes with care to all the costumers only after the checker had counted all the units. Security Guards are responsible for keeping the property safe 24/7. Man P owers Number of Man Power Mixer 2 Baker 2 Packager 2 Quality Control Inspector 1 Delivery Boy 2 Security Guards 2 hail 11 E. Machinery/Equipment Requirement EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QTY footing(PHP) unload Fan Capture smoke and seclude out stale or unprocessed air from the business area, also used for ventilation. 1 5,500 Gas Range This type of stove combines different ways of fuelling the cooking, for the purpose of different types of cooking. 1 10,000 Gas armored combat vehicle Large gas tank used for cooking 2 5,360 Generator A device that supplies electricity during power outages. It provides free burning power to use the essential appliances 1 55,000 Mixer A machine that mixes large amount of ingredients at a desired speed 1 23,000 Oven hired for baking or roasting.It can be het by electricity, gas, oil and coal. It accommodates 34 trays 1 80,000 Transport Cabinet An enclosed footlocker used to keep food warm, trial impression dough or transport large amounts of goods from one area to another. It can accommodate 50 trays. 1 7. 000 check PHP 185,860 legal transfer EQUIPMENTS EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION QTY value(PHP) Push Cart Use to carry or transfer large amount of orders/boxes 2 3,600 Van four wheel vehicle use to deliver large amount of orders in a far location 2 350,000 TOTAL PHP 353,600 product SUPPLIES ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY footing(PHP)CUPCAKE break down utilise to mold and hold the amount of product 50 24,950 ROUND CUPCAKE govern Use to present and hold the amount of product 50,000 25,000 HEART SHAPE CUPCAKE cast of characters Used to present and hold the amount of product during February 50,000 25,000 cook Chopping Board A durable board used to place the material to be cut 4 600 Clean Up Cloth Use for cleaning and drying wealthy surfaces in the production or office area 20 100 Face mask cadaverous in the face for protection during running(a) hours 2(By Box) 260 Gloves Used by the employees in the production area for their protectio n and sanitation during running(a) hours 2(By Box) 200 Liquid Dish scoop toilsome liquid soap used only for muteing the dishes 3 clxxx Liquid strain Soap Concentrated liquid soap used to wash hands after human laxation or urination and before working with the production 3 200 touchstone Cups (Liquid) Used primarily to measure the volume of the liquid or solid baking ingredients 4(by set) 600 touchstone Cups (Dry) A dry metre cup is used for measuring solid cooking ingredient 4(by set) 400 Measuring Spoon A spoon kitchen utensils used to measure the amount of an ingredient, either liquid or solid 4(By set) 400 Mixing Bowl It is a bowl used for mixing ingredients. 5 1,750 Oven Gloves Used o hold the hot tray and also for the employees protection 10(By Set) 550 Spatula A heavy duty rubber spatula is a super b object for scrapping ingredients from the surface of the mixing containers 5 1250 opus Wrap An Eco-friendly paper used for sealing or covering the food 1,000(By Roll ) 12,000 Tray genial of non sticky material where cupcakes are laid before putting up in the oven 40 3,000 Masking Tape Used to seal the paper wrap to the bilk 1(By box) 630 Hairnet Used to hold the hair and to anticipate from contaminating the food 1(By plastic) 150 TOTAL PHP 94,220 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT PHP 185,860 DELIVERY EQUIPMENT PHP 353,600 PRODUCTION SUPPLIES PHP 94,220 TOTAL PHP 633,680 F. affectionate Materials Requirements All-purpose flour stopover bill bell/ kg consentaneous (1260Php/SACK of 50KILOS) daytime 27 kilos PHP 25. 20 PHP 176. 40 workweek 189 kilos PHP 25. 20 PHP 4,762. 80 Month 810 kilos PHP 25. 20 PHP 20,412. 00 year 9,558 kilos PHP 25. 20 PHP 240,861. 60 White saccharify consequence bill harm/KILO totally (1850Php/SACK of 50KILOS) sidereal day 9 kilos PHP 37. 00 PHP 333. 00 hebdomad 63 kilos PHP 37. 00 PHP 2,331. 00 Month 270 kilos PHP 37. 00 PHP 9,990. 00 Year 3,186 kilos PHP 37. 00 PHP 117,882. 00 cook Soda bound QUANTITY value/KILO on the whole (966Php/SACK of 50KILOS) daytime 1 kilo PHP 19. 32 PHP 19. 32 calendar week 7 kilos PHP 19. 32 PHP 135. 24 Month 30 kilos PHP 19. 32 PHP 579. 60 Year 354 kilos PHP 19. 32 PHP 6, 839. 28 Baking Powder occlusive QUANTITY expense/KILO strong (960Php/SACK of 50KILOS) daylight 1 kilo PHP 19. 20 PHP 19. 20 calendar week 7 kilos PHP 19. 20 PHP 134. 40 Month 30 kilos PHP 19. 20 PHP 576. 00 Year 354 kilos PHP 19. 20 PHP 6,796. 80 Chocolate deflect tip QUANTITY PRICE/ beak alone (30. 00Php/PIECE) twenty-four hours 12 pieces PHP 360. 00 PHP 360. 00 workweek 84 pieces PHP 360. 00 PHP 2,520. 00 Month 360 pieces PHP 360. 00 PHP 10,800. 00 Year 4,248 pieces PHP 360. 00 PHP 127,440. 00 Ground Cinnamon plosive consonant QUANTITY PRICE/KILO full (11665Php/SACK of 50KILOS) sidereal day ? kilo PHP 233. 30 PHP 116. 65 workweek 3 ? kilos PHP 233. 30 PHP 408. 28 Month 15 kilos PHP 233. 30 PHP 1,749. 75 Year 177 kilos PHP 233. 30 PHP 20, 647. 05 Vegetable Oil menstruation QUANTITY PRICE/LITRE full (1205Php/CONTAINER) Day 1 litre PHP 70. 88 PHP 70. 88 Week 7 litres PHP 70. 88 PHP 496. 16 Month 30 litres PHP 70. 88 PHP 2,126. 40 Year 354 litres PHP 70. 88 PHP 25,091. 52 Cheese achievement QUANTITY PRICE/GRAMS WHOLE (110Php/450g) Day 135 grams PHP 110. 00 PHP 330. 00 Week 945 grams PHP 110. 00 PHP 2,310. 00 Month 4,050 grams PHP 110. 00 PHP 9,900. 00 Year 47,790 grams PHP 110. 00 PHP 116,820. 00 pelt (Medium Size) PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/TRAY(30 PIECES) WHOLE (141Php/TRAY30pcs) Day 125 pieces PHP 141. 00 PHP 587. 50 Week 875 pieces PHP 141. 00 PHP 4,112. 50 Month 3,750 pieces PHP 141. 00 PHP 17,625,00 Year 44,250 pieces PHP 141. 00 PHP 207,975. 00 Evaporated milk PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/ MILILITERS WHOLE (41Php/ three hundred MILILITERS) Day 900 mL PHP 41. 00 PHP 123. 00 Week 6,300 mL PHP 41. 00 PHP 861. 00 Month 27,000 mL PHP 41. 00 PHP 3,690. 00 Year 318,600 mL PHP 41. 00 PHP 43,542. 00 Con densed Milk PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/ MILILITERS WHOLE (46Php/300MILILITERS) Day 300 mL PHP 46. 00 PHP 46. 00 Week 2,100 mL PHP 46. 00 PHP 322. 00 Month 9,000 mL PHP 46. 00 PHP 1,380. 00 Year 106,200 mL PHP 46. 00 PHP 16,284. 00 Mini Marshmallows PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PACK WHOLE (10Php/PACK) Day 2 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 20. 00 Week 14 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 140. 00 Month 60 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 600. 00 Year 708 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 3,540. 00 sweeten Flower PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PACK WHOLE (10Php/PACK) Day 6 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 60. 00 Week 42 packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 420. 00 Month one hundred eighty packs PHP 10. 00 PHP 1,800. 00 Year 2,124 packs PHP 10. 0 PHP 21,240. 00 Rainbow dust PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PACK WHOLE (15Php/PACK) Day 2 packs PHP 15. 00 PHP 30. 00 Week 14 packs PHP 15. 00 PHP 210. 00 Month 60 packs PHP 15. 00 PHP 900. 00 Year 708 packs PHP 15. 00 PHP 10,620. 00 Nips (Chocolate) PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PACK WHOLE (20Php/PACK) Day 3 packs PHP 20. 00 PHP 60. 00 Week 21 packs PHP 20. 00 PHP 420. 00 Month 90 packs PHP 20. 00 PHP 1,800. 00 Year 1,062 packs PHP 20. 00 PHP 21,240. 00 Fresh Ampalaya PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/KILO WHOLE (469Php/50 KILOS) Day 35 kilos PHP 9. 38 PHP 328. 30 Week 245 kilos PHP 9. 8 PHP 2,298. 10 Month 1,050 kilos PHP 9. 38 PHP 9,849. 00 Year 12,390 kilos PHP 9. 38 PHP 116,218. 20 Mango Jam PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PIECES WHOLE (145Php/200 grams) Day 3 bottles PHP 145. 00 PHP 435. 00 Week 21 bottles PHP 145. 00 PHP 3,045. 00 Month 90 bottles PHP 145. 00 PHP 13,050. 00 Year 1,095 bottles PHP 145. 00 PHP 158,775. 00 Banana Jam PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PIECES WHOLE (120Php/200 grams) Day 3 bottles PHP 120. 00 PHP 360. 00 Week 21 bottles PHP 120. 00 PHP 2,520. 00 Month 90 bottles PHP 120. 00 PHP 10,800. 00 Year 1,095 bottles PHP 120. 00 PHP 131,400. 00 Strawberry Jam PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PIECES WHOLE (100Php/200 grams) Day 3 bottles PHP 100. 00 PHP 300. 00 Week 21 bottles PHP 100. 00 PHP 2,100. 00 Month 90 b ottles PHP 100. 00 PHP 9,000. 00 Year 1,095 bottles PHP 100. 00 PHP 109,500. 00 Single cupcake box (3 ? inches) PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PIECES WHOLE (204Php/24 PIECES) Day 1,026 pieces PHP 8. 50 PHP 8,721. 00 Week 7,182 PHP 8. 50 PHP 61,047. 00 Month 30,780 PHP 8. 50 PHP 261,630. 00 Year 374,490 PHP 8. 50 PHP 3,183,165 Cupcakeboxof 6 PERIOD QUANTITY PRICE/PIECES WHOLE (270Php/24 PIECES) Day 1,026 pieces PHP 11. 25 PHP 11,542. 50 Week 7,182 PHP 11. 25 PHP 80,797. 50 Month 30,780 PHP 11. 25 PHP 346,275. 50 Year 374,490 PHP 11. 25 PHP 4,213,012. 5 SUMMARY OF keen MATERIALS EXPENSES Total Raw Material Cost Per Day PHP 24,038. 75 Total Raw Material Cost Per Week PHP 168,271. 25 Total Raw Material Cost Per Month PHP 721,162. 50 Total Raw Material Cost Per Year PHP 8,898,889. 95 G. Plan/Factory Location The Incorporators decided to put up the Manufacturing and office area in the same location. It will be situated at 56, 20th Ave. Murphy Cubao, Quezon City. The company choose Cubao to build their main office due to it is very strategic and accessible to many commercial areas here in Metro Manila.All supplies needed for production is available. H. Plant Layout AREA WIDTH length 200 square meters 164,145. 33 Square inches(105. 90 sq. meters) 145,855. 30 Square Inches(94. 10 sq. meters) I. Waste Disposal System victorian segregation of waste is very important to avoid any dangerous bacterium and viruses that may cause bad kernel to the company as well as to the product. Garbage disposal in any places inside and outside of the company is very necessary to make duties less demanding. All biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable are separated so that, it can avoid any news leak and bad odor. By doing this, it can also help other people to make money through garbage.It can also be a source of income by selling recyclable waste to any junk shops especially dead batteries, metals, bulbs, plastic bottles, and cans. Kitchen wastes can be used for pose as fe rtilizer and this shouldnt be burned because it may add up carbon dioxide emission which is bad for every individuals health as well as to our planet. J. Quality Control System BBS Corporation is very delicate with the quality control of its product as the companys matter of safety and achieving its goal to satisfy consumers. The team ensure that the BBS Corporations product came from good quality of ingredients so that customers can assure that the product done its safety and right procedure before externalizing to the market.The company has a quality control inspector who will check the products of BBS Corporation. All the cupcakes moldiness(prenominal) do its proper procedure to maintain its quality. If the cupcake/s does not pass the inspection, all of it will sell in cheapest price for the company at least to recover from all the expenses used. The quality control inspection will cover the texture, color, the packaging, and the appearance of the Ampalaya Cupcake. Cleanliness a nd sanitation The primary concern of the company is to maintain cleanliness and sanitation in kitchen, working areas like office, comfort rooms, inside and outside of the company and even the employees moldiness sanitize their hands every 15 minutes of working hours.This is a responsibility of the company to keep the surroundings away from any effects that may cause to companys product and services. All equipment use to make products is strictly prohibited to leave it without wash drawing and dry cleaning properly after used. Employees should be wearing desired like during working hours with fluid gloves and hair covers. hap Prevention, Crisis Management, and Food Safety To show a tangible love and care to our cute customers as well as to our employees, solutions are ready to prevent any perturb to make target number of products. Employees should be perpetually warned or aware about safety precautions.To prevent accidental inebriety that customers may get from our products, the proponents make sure that cleaning detergents and different kinds of anti-insects, viruses, and or bacteria are in different terminus or cabinet away from ingredients that used to make cupcakes. Chemicals or film developing products are locked away. Any suspicious gas leaks from the kitchen and office appliances should be always checked. First aid kit should be always ready for any accidents may bump and there should be reminders for safety checklists affix indoors. For fire and burn prevention, everyone should know where the exit doors located, maps for fire escape plan and routes is stick on in companys wall lane. Fire extinguisher is kept inside the kitchen, garage and near a fireplace.Smoke detectors and CCTV Cameras are installed throughout the company and batteries should be always checked, security guard/s should always roam around. Fireplace chimney is professionally cleaned yearly or 6 months after if necessary. And electrical sockets not in use should be unplugged at all times. For food safety, employees must washed their hands every 15 minutes of working hours and must wear desired uniform like, hairnets, disposable gloves, masks, apron and close shoes. Food drunkenness is prevented through safe food terminus and preparation, all cabinets must locked properly, dry and wet ingredients separated through food dividers. Hand Washing and Clothing To avoid cross contamination, proper hand sanitizing is done every 15 minutes of working hours.Personal hygiene for employees is very important since theyre in food industry. Their uniforms are always checked by the kitchen head as well as employees condition. Proper attire and fertilization of all employees before and after the work is encouraged. Dressing rooms of all employees must maintain cleanliness at all times. K. Production Cost i. Total Production Per Year FOIL CONTAINERS UNITS PRODUCED Per Day 1,026 Per Week 7,182 Per Month 30,780 Per Year 374,490 ii. Production Cost per Unit Ampalaya Cup cake INGREDIENT WEIGHT/PIECES/QTY. COST PER sidereal day (PHP) All-purpose flour 27,000 grams PHP 176. 40 Sugar 9,000 grams PHP 333. 00 Baking Soda 1,000 grams PHP 19. 32Baking Powder 1,000 grams PHP 19. 20 Chocolate mensuration 12 pieces PHP 360. 00 Ground Cinnamon 500 grams PHP 116. 65 Vegetable Oil kelvin milliliters PHP 70. 88 Cheese 135 grams PHP 330. 00 Eggs 125 pieces PHP 587. 50 Evaporated milk 900 milliliters PHP 123. 00 Condensed Milk 300 milliliters PHP 46. 00 Mini marsh mallows 2 packs PHP 20. 00 Candy Flower 6 packs PHP 60. 00 Rainbow Sprinkles 2 packs PHP 30. 00 Nips (chocolate) 3 packs PHP 60. 00 Fresh Ampalaya 35 kilos PHP 328. 30 Banana Jam 900 grams PHP 435. 00 Mango Jam 900 grams PHP 360. 00 Strawberry Jam 900 grams PHP 300. 00 Single cupcake box 1,026 pieces PHP 8,721. 00Cupcakeboxof 6 1,026 pieces PHP 11,542. 50 TOTAL PHP 24,038. 75 PRICING size COST SUGGESTED PRICE Single cupcake box(3 ? inches) PHP 44. 00 PHP 54. 00 SIZE COST SUGGESTED PRICE Cupcakeboxo f 6 PHP