
Monday, January 16, 2017

European History on the Spanish Armada

\nThe Spanish Armada exercise sail from Spain in 1588. female monarch Phillip II wished to invade England for some(prenominal) political and unearthly intellectuals. Spain spue a tremendous summation of money into the Armada and planned for years, but in the end the pass away was defeated. The building of and the defeat of the Spanish Armada led to Spains gloaming as a sphere power, and Englands subsequent mount in power.\n\nKing Phillip II had many political and ghostlike reasons to invade England. Because Phillip had been named as bloody shames successor forward her death, he thought he had a right to the side of meat throne(The Invincible Armada, NP). Another reason for the Armada was the race between Spain and England in raft and supremacy in the seas. Spain was one of the most aright nations in Europe, but face naval power was fare a threat to Spains domination of the seas. This was particularly unfeigned with respect to the modernistic realism. Spains dis covery of the New World had opened up a huge source of trade for Spain and England wanted to share it. Spanish treasure ships coming from the New World were attacked by British ships and robbed on their way confirm to Spain. The English likewise r promoteed Spanish towns in the New World. after(prenominal) the English had raided towns and robbed Spanish ships, milksop Elizabeth refused to return what they had stolen. Finally, the English had in addition helped Spains enemies, such as the Dutch. Phillip believed that only a triumph of England could halt English aid to the rebels and stop English depredations in the New World.\n\nThere were also religious reasons to assemble the Armada. In fact, religion was one of the master(prenominal) reasons for the Armada. Phillip was very religious and it tempestuous him that Henry VIII had spurned the power of the Pope and started the church of England. Under Elizabeth, England was Protestant. England was also awkward for Catholics. Catholics were fined for not attending function in the Church of England and confine for hearing or precept mass. Since 1581, over a dozen English Catholics were executed for their religious crimes(Historical background and reasons for the Armada, NP). The execution of bloody shame Queen of Scots was also a shock...If you want to get a full essay, club it on our website:

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